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function theme_swftools_html_alt in SWF Tools 6.3

Themes the alternate HTML markup for an SWF Tools element.

A theme is used here so that the site can over-ride and modify the html_alt output before it is placed on the page. This allows more complex output than the fixed HTML alternate that can be specified on the settings page.

The SWF Tools data array is passed to the theme so that the themer has access to all the data just prior to output. It can use this to modify its results accordingly.


array $data: The SWF Tools data array.

Return value

string A string of markup.

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function theme_swftools_html_alt($data) {

  // If html_alt is empty then populate it with default text
  // TODO: What if the user wants an empty string?
  $data['othervars']['html_alt'] = $data['othervars']['html_alt'] ? $data['othervars']['html_alt'] : variable_get('swftools_html_alt', SWFTOOLS_DEFAULT_HTML_ALT);

  // Return resulting string after filtering it
  return check_markup($data['othervars']['html_alt'], variable_get('swftools_html_alt_format', FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULT), FALSE);