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function theme_swftools_formatter_playlist in SWF Tools 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 swftools.module \theme_swftools_formatter_playlist()

Themes multiple value CCK content in to a playlist.


array $element: The element to render.

array $profile: (optional) Array of profile data for the profile that is being used.

Return value

string Markup to produce the flash content, or nothing if the element was empty.

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1 string reference to 'theme_swftools_formatter_playlist'
swftools_theme in ./swftools.module
Implementation of hook_theme().


includes/, line 82
Implements SWF Tools theme functions.


function theme_swftools_formatter_playlist($element, $profile = array()) {

  // Initialise an array for results
  $files = array();

  // Get the children
  $children = element_children($element);

  // If there is only one child then maybe we don't want a playlist
  if (count($children) == 1) {

    // Pop the first value of the children array
    $_children = $children;
    $child = array_pop($_children);

    // Get the name of the alternate formatter for this content type
    $formatter_name = variable_get('swftools_' . $element['#type_name'] . '_' . $element['#field_name'], 'swftools_playlist');

    // What happens next depends on the formatter name
    switch ($formatter_name) {
      case 'hidden':

        // If the format is set to hidden then return nothing
        if ($formatter_name == 'hidden') {
      case 'swftools_playlist':

        // If swftools_playlist don't do anything different

        // Find out what the alternate formatter should be
        if ($formatter = _content_get_formatter($formatter_name, 'filefield')) {

          // We can work out the theme name from the formatter information
          $theme = $formatter['module'] . '_formatter_' . $formatter_name;

          // Construct a modified element that mimics a single element
          $element['#formatter'] = $formatter_name;
          $element['#theme'] = $theme;
          $element += $element[$child];
          $element['#item']['#delta'] = 0;

          // Theme this new element according to the alternate formatter
          return theme($theme, $element);

  // Retrieve images
  $images = theme_swftools_formatter_thumbnail('', TRUE);

  // Cycle through the file elements
  foreach ($children as $key) {

    // Is this a filefield?
    if (isset($element[$key]['#item']['filepath'])) {
      $files[$key] = array(
        'filepath' => $element[$key]['#item']['filepath'],
        'title' => $element[$key]['#item']['data']['description'],

    // Is this a link field?
    if (isset($element[$key]['#item']['url'])) {
      $files[$key] = array(
        'filepath' => $element[$key]['#item']['url'],
        'title' => $element[$key]['#item']['title'],

    // Is this a text field?
    // TODO: How to handle streams in a playlist
    if (isset($element[$key]['#item']['value'])) {
      $files[$key] = array(
        'filepath' => $element[$key]['#item']['value'],
        'title' => '',

    // Is there an image?
    if (isset($images[$key]) && $images[$key]) {

      // Get the path to the image
      $source = swftools_get_url_and_path($images[$key]);

      // If $source returned a result then use it
      if ($source) {
        $files[$key]['image'] = $source['fileurl'];

  // If files array is empty then there is nothing to be rendered
  if (empty($files)) {

  // Pass element to the swf tools processor by attaching it in othervars
  $data['othervars']['cck'] = $element;

  // Assign the profile
  $data['othervars']['profile'] = $profile ? $profile['profile'] : '';

  // But if we got something then we can call swf() now to render it
  return swf($files, $data);