You are here in SWF Tools 6.3

Implements SWF Tools theme functions.

As the number of theme functions has grown it seemed it was time to collect them all up in a separate file.


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 * @file
 * Implements SWF Tools theme functions.
 * As the number of theme functions has grown it seemed it was time to collect
 * them all up in a separate file.

 * @addtogroup swftools
 * @{

 * Produces finished markup ready for inserting on the page.
 * This function hands off to the appropriate embedding theme first, and then
 * wraps the result in some wrapper divs before returning the result.
 * @param array $data
 *   An SWF Tools array of data.
 * @return string
 *   An HTML string that generates the output
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_swftools_embed($data) {

  // Call the specific embedding function - this generates the mark to render the swf
  // The default is a theme with the same name as the method, but this can be over-ridden by modifying the theme key

   * Note that the theme functions expect to receive the fileurl as a separate parameter to the
   * data array. Strictly we could just pass the data array, but if we rewrite the theme
   * functions then it will break other modules that are calling using separate file and data
   * array. For now (SWF Tools 6) leave this as it is, but for SWF Tools 7 we will simply pass
  $embed_markup = theme($data['resolved_methods']['embed']['theme'], $data['othervars']['fileurl'], $data, variable_get('swftools_javascript_location', SWFTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_INLINE));

  // Prepare an array of classes to include in the wrapper div
  $classes[] = 'swftools';
  $classes[] = 'swftools-' . str_replace('_', '-', $data['resolved_methods']['player']['name']);

  // If the user provided class data already then don't over-rule it
  if (!empty($data['othervars']['class'])) {
    $classes[] = $data['othervars']['class'];

  // TODO: Accommodate weights on this?
  // Allow for handling of #prefix and #suffix supplied via othervars
  $data['othervars'] += array(
    '#prefix' => '',
    '#suffix' => '',

  // Wrap $embed_markup with prefix and suffix (e.g. to add accessible controls)
  $embed_markup = $data['othervars']['#prefix'] . $embed_markup . $data['othervars']['#suffix'];

  // Return completed markup
  return '<div id="swftools-' . $data['othervars']['id'] . '" class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">' . $embed_markup . '</div>';

 * Themes multiple value CCK content in to a playlist.
 * @param array $element
 *   The element to render.
 * @param array $profile
 *   (optional) Array of profile data for the profile that is being used.
 * @return string
 *   Markup to produce the flash content, or nothing if the element was empty.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_swftools_formatter_playlist($element, $profile = array()) {

  // Initialise an array for results
  $files = array();

  // Get the children
  $children = element_children($element);

  // If there is only one child then maybe we don't want a playlist
  if (count($children) == 1) {

    // Pop the first value of the children array
    $_children = $children;
    $child = array_pop($_children);

    // Get the name of the alternate formatter for this content type
    $formatter_name = variable_get('swftools_' . $element['#type_name'] . '_' . $element['#field_name'], 'swftools_playlist');

    // What happens next depends on the formatter name
    switch ($formatter_name) {
      case 'hidden':

        // If the format is set to hidden then return nothing
        if ($formatter_name == 'hidden') {
      case 'swftools_playlist':

        // If swftools_playlist don't do anything different

        // Find out what the alternate formatter should be
        if ($formatter = _content_get_formatter($formatter_name, 'filefield')) {

          // We can work out the theme name from the formatter information
          $theme = $formatter['module'] . '_formatter_' . $formatter_name;

          // Construct a modified element that mimics a single element
          $element['#formatter'] = $formatter_name;
          $element['#theme'] = $theme;
          $element += $element[$child];
          $element['#item']['#delta'] = 0;

          // Theme this new element according to the alternate formatter
          return theme($theme, $element);

  // Retrieve images
  $images = theme_swftools_formatter_thumbnail('', TRUE);

  // Cycle through the file elements
  foreach ($children as $key) {

    // Is this a filefield?
    if (isset($element[$key]['#item']['filepath'])) {
      $files[$key] = array(
        'filepath' => $element[$key]['#item']['filepath'],
        'title' => $element[$key]['#item']['data']['description'],

    // Is this a link field?
    if (isset($element[$key]['#item']['url'])) {
      $files[$key] = array(
        'filepath' => $element[$key]['#item']['url'],
        'title' => $element[$key]['#item']['title'],

    // Is this a text field?
    // TODO: How to handle streams in a playlist
    if (isset($element[$key]['#item']['value'])) {
      $files[$key] = array(
        'filepath' => $element[$key]['#item']['value'],
        'title' => '',

    // Is there an image?
    if (isset($images[$key]) && $images[$key]) {

      // Get the path to the image
      $source = swftools_get_url_and_path($images[$key]);

      // If $source returned a result then use it
      if ($source) {
        $files[$key]['image'] = $source['fileurl'];

  // If files array is empty then there is nothing to be rendered
  if (empty($files)) {

  // Pass element to the swf tools processor by attaching it in othervars
  $data['othervars']['cck'] = $element;

  // Assign the profile
  $data['othervars']['profile'] = $profile ? $profile['profile'] : '';

  // But if we got something then we can call swf() now to render it
  return swf($files, $data);

 * Theme function to store and retrieve thumbnail images.
 * If called as a regular theme function it stores the path of the image,
 * but if the retrieve flag is set it returns that path.
 * In effect this function is a local store to hold the most recently "seen"
 * image on behalf of the swf themer. In order for this code to work the
 * thumbnail theme function must come before the swf theme function, so it
 * is necessary to order the fields appropriately on the content configuration
 * page.
 * When caching thumbnails then if the element delta is zero the cache is
 * flushed first to start a new collection of images.
 * @param array $element
 *   The CCK element to store.
 * @param bool $retrieve
 *   When TRUE will return the currently stored path.
 * @param int $delta
 *   If set then attempt to retrieve just the image at the specified delta, otherwise return
 *   the whole array of stored thumbnails.
 * @return mixed
 *   A string, or an array, holding the thumbnail filepaths.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_swftools_formatter_thumbnail($element, $retrieve = FALSE, $delta = NULL) {

  // Create a static variable to hold the image path
  static $image_path = array();

  // It retrieving a previous thumbnail then return its path and reset the stored value
  // We may want to retrieve all cached thumbnails ($delta = NULL), or a specific thumbnail
  // in which case $delta is the one we want
  if ($retrieve) {
    if ($delta !== NULL) {
      if (isset($image_path[$delta])) {
        return $image_path[$delta];
      else {
        return '';
    else {
      return $image_path ? $image_path : '';

  // If the delta is zero we are starting a new collection so reset in case
  // a retrieval call wasn't made by the theme function
  if ($element['#item']['#delta'] == 0) {
    $image_path = array();

  // If the element is empty set the stored path to an empty string
  if (empty($element['#item']['fid']) && empty($element['#item']['value']) && empty($element['#item']['url'])) {
    $image_path[] = '';

  // Initialise an empty string
  $image_url = '';

  // See if we're processing a filefield and get the appropriate value
  if (isset($element['#item']['filepath'])) {
    $image_url = $element['#item']['filepath'];
  elseif (isset($element['#item']['url'])) {
    $image_url = $element['#item']['url'];

    // add the query to the base url, if necessary
    if (isset($element['#item']['query']) && strlen($element['#item']['query']) > 0) {
      $image_url .= '?' . $element['#item']['query'];

    // add the fragment to the url, if necessary
    if (isset($element['#item']['fragment']) && strlen($element['#item']['fragment']) > 0) {
      $image_url .= '#' . $element['#item']['fragment'];
  else {
    $image_url = $element['#item']['value'];

    // Check this is a valid url
    $image_url = check_url($image_path);

  // Store the result
  $image_path[] = $image_url;

  // Return nothing at this point

 * Themes a CCK element in to flash content.
 * @param array $element
 *   The CCK element to render.
 * @return string
 *   A string of markup to produce the flash content, or nothing if the element was empty.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_swftools_formatter_swftools($element, $profile = array()) {

  // If the element is empty return
  if (empty($element['#item']['fid']) && empty($element['#item']['value']) && empty($element['#item']['url'])) {
    return '';

  // See if a thumbnail image has been stored with this content
  $image = theme_swftools_formatter_thumbnail('', TRUE, $element['#item']['#delta']);

  // If an image was stored then set the thumbnail
  if ($image) {
    $data['othervars']['image'] = $image;
  else {
    $data = array();

  // Assign the profile
  $data['othervars']['profile'] = $profile ? $profile['profile'] : '';

  // See if we're processing a filefield and get the path and description
  if (isset($element['#item']['filepath'])) {
    $swf = $element['#item']['filepath'];
    $data['othervars']['title'] = $element['#item']['data']['description'];
    $source = 'filefield';
  elseif (isset($element['#item']['url'])) {
    $swf = $element['#item']['url'];
    $data['othervars']['title'] = $element['#item']['title'];
    $source = 'link';

    // add the query to the base url, if necessary
    if (isset($element['#item']['query']) && strlen($element['#item']['query']) > 0) {
      $swf .= '?' . $element['#item']['query'];

    // add the fragment to the url, if necessary
    if (isset($element['#item']['fragment']) && strlen($element['#item']['fragment']) > 0) {
      $swf .= '#' . $element['#item']['fragment'];
  else {
    $swf = $element['#item']['value'];
    $data['othervars']['title'] = '';
    $source = 'text';

    // We need to run $swf through check_url to make sure it is safe, but rtmp isn't in the allowed protocols
    // This is configurable (see filter.module line 1182) but not sure if the variable is exposed
    // $swf = check_url($swf);
    // See if we have been given a stream by trying to explode the string
    $stream = explode(' ', $swf);

    // If the explode return 2 elements assume we have a stream, element[0] contains the source, element[1] the file
    if (count($stream) == 2) {
      $data['othervars']['stream'] = $stream[0];
      $swf = $stream[1];

  // Pass element to the swf tools processor by attaching it in othervars
  $data['othervars']['cck'] = $element;

  // Get the markup for the flash content from swf()
  $return = swf($swf, $data);

  // Add the download link if required (we are either using swftools formatter, or a profile with this option enabled)
  if ($element['#formatter'] == 'swftools' || !empty($profile['download_link'])) {
    switch ($source) {
      case 'filefield':
        $return .= "\n" . theme('filefield_formatter_default', $element);
      case 'link':
        $return .= "\n" . theme('link_formatter_default', $element);

  // Return the resulting markup
  return $return;

 * Returns a path to a default image.
 * This is generally called by playlist functions that are rendering images as
 * part of the playlist. In some instances it is necessary to use a placeholder
 * image when none is given in order for the playlist to render correctly.
 * By over-riding this theme function alternate images can be used. The data
 * array is provided so if this theme function is over-ridden custom
 * alternatives can be used depending on the context. By default SWF Tools
 * returns a single pixel gif.
 * @param array $data
 *   The SWF Tools data array.
 * @return string
 *   Path to the default image.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_swftools_empty_image($data) {
  return base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'swftools') . '/includes/empty.gif';

 * @} End of "addtogroup swftools"


Namesort descending Description
theme_swftools_embed Produces finished markup ready for inserting on the page.
theme_swftools_empty_image Returns a path to a default image.
theme_swftools_formatter_playlist Themes multiple value CCK content in to a playlist.
theme_swftools_formatter_swftools Themes a CCK element in to flash content.
theme_swftools_formatter_thumbnail Theme function to store and retrieve thumbnail images.