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function theme_swftools_empty_image in SWF Tools 6.3

Returns a path to a default image.

This is generally called by playlist functions that are rendering images as part of the playlist. In some instances it is necessary to use a placeholder image when none is given in order for the playlist to render correctly.

By over-riding this theme function alternate images can be used. The data array is provided so if this theme function is over-ridden custom alternatives can be used depending on the context. By default SWF Tools returns a single pixel gif.


array $data: The SWF Tools data array.

Return value

string Path to the default image.

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includes/, line 426
Implements SWF Tools theme functions.


function theme_swftools_empty_image($data) {
  return base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'swftools') . '/includes/empty.gif';