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function swftools_flowplayer3_swftools_preprocess_flowplayer3 in SWF Tools 6.3

Implementation of hook_swftools_preprocess_[player]().


flowplayer3/swftools_flowplayer3.module, line 101
Enables SWF Tools support for Flowplayer 3.


function swftools_flowplayer3_swftools_preprocess_flowplayer3(&$data) {

  // Retrieve the current Flowplayer 3 settings
  $saved_settings = _swftools_flowplayer3_settings($data['othervars']['profile']);

  // Initialise playlist
  $playlist = array();

  // If an image was supplied to be the splash then put this first in the list
  if ($data['othervars']['image']) {

    // Get source path to the image file
    $source = swftools_get_url_and_path($data['othervars']['image']);

    // If $source succeeded add image to the playlist
    if ($source) {

      // See if we need to apply an imagecache preset
      if ($saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache_player'] != SWFTOOLS_UNDEFINED) {
        $source['fileurl'] = swftools_imagecache_create_path($saved_settings['imagecache']['imagecache_player'], $source['fileurl']);
      $playlist[] = '{ "url": "' . $source['fileurl'] . '", "autoPlay": true, "duration": "0" }';

  // Attach the playlist from earlier, if we have it
  if (isset($data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['playlist'])) {

    // Attach the playlist after the splash image
    $playlist = $playlist + $data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['playlist'];

    // Implode the playlist to a string
    $playlist = '[ ' . implode(', ', $playlist) . ' ]';
  else {

    // If there is no splash image just use the file_url
    if (!$playlist) {
      $playlist[] = $data['othervars']['file_url'];
    else {

      // Attach file url to the splash image
      $playlist[] = '{ "url": "' . $data['othervars']['file_url'] . '" }';

      // Implode the playlist to a string
      $playlist = '[ ' . implode(', ', $playlist) . ' ]';

  // Initialise array of Flowplayer 3 configuration settings
  $flowplayer = array();

  // Over-ride embedding to use Flowplayer?
  if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_embed', FALSE)) {
    $data['resolved_methods']['embed']['theme'] = 'swftools_flowplayer3';
  else {

    // Assign a playerId flashvar to initiate the external interface outside of Flowplayer embedding
    $flowplayer['playerId'] = $data['othervars']['id'];

  // Attach the Flowplayer playlist to the configuration
  $flowplayer['playlist'] = $playlist;

  // Attach logo settings, if required
  if ($saved_settings['logo']['use_logo']) {
    $flowplayer['logo'] = $saved_settings['logo'];

  // Create accessible controls if necessary
  if ($saved_settings['accessibility']['accessible']) {
    $data['othervars']['#suffix'] = theme('swftools_flowplayer3_accessible', $data['othervars']['id'], $saved_settings['accessibility']['accessible']);

  // TODO: Can we just array merge here? And can we recursively unset blank entries?
  // TODO: Use swftools_array_merge as a common way to merge a multi-dimensional array
  // TODO: See for use of array_diff() to unset blanks.
  // TODO: Can we optimise this to use fewer passes? Pre-filter the settings to eliminate blanks? Like JW4.
  // Scan through each setting to see if it is over-ridden in $data['othervars']
  // Unset properties that are blank to keep the resulting code 'tidy'
  // TODO: Do the same as wijering4 - we should clear out blanks during form submission
  // There is no need to do this here? The only issue is that anything passed on othervars
  // is a flat array of keys and values, so we need to locate its key within the Flowplayer 3
  // structure. We will also have to consider if anything might have duplicate key names
  // (not sure - need to check. Or we could simply make it that Flowplayer can't be
  // over-ridden from the input filter - I've never been sure if anyone even uses that feature!
  // We could flatten the Flowplayer 3 saved settings, then try an array check to see if we
  // have any matches - but then we still have to know where to put the thing afterwards...
  // Maybe with the new caching mechanism we shouldn't worry too much - we only run this
  // function when we generate content, and then it's done. It we filtered the blanks we
  // would have no way of locating the proper place for the value in the array.
  foreach ($saved_settings as $category => $values) {
    foreach (array_keys($values) as $property) {
      if (isset($data['othervars'][$property])) {
        $saved_settings[$category][$property] = $data['othervars'][$property];
      if ($saved_settings[$category][$property] === '') {

  // If the object doesn't have a width set then assign one
  if (!isset($data['params']['width'])) {
    $data['params']['width'] = $saved_settings['canvas']['width'];

  // If the object doesn't have a height set then assign one
  if (!isset($data['params']['height'])) {
    $data['params']['height'] = $saved_settings['canvas']['height'];

  // Translate labels if they are set
  if (isset($saved_settings['play']['label'])) {
    $saved_settings['play']['label'] = t($saved_settings['play']['label']);
  if (isset($saved_settings['play']['replayLabel'])) {
    $saved_settings['play']['replayLabel'] = t($saved_settings['play']['replayLabel']);

  // Add the properties to the flowplayer array ready for rendering
  $flowplayer['canvas'] = $saved_settings['canvas'];
  $flowplayer['clip'] = $saved_settings['clip'];
  $flowplayer['play'] = $saved_settings['play'];

  // Configure the control bar
  $flowplayer['plugins']['controls'] = $saved_settings['controls'];

  // Assign the control bar url if required
  if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_controls', '')) {
    $flowplayer['plugins']['controls']['url'] = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_controls', '');

  //swftools_get_library('flowplayer3') . '/' .

  // If we are streaming this file, add the stream plugin(s)
  if ($data['othervars']['stream']) {
    $stream_url = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_stream_plugin', SWFTOOLS_FLOWPLAYER3_STREAM_PLUGIN);

    // Is the playlist a mix of streams / providers?
    if ($data['othervars']['stream'] === TRUE) {
      foreach ($data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['providers'] as $provider => $index) {
        $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp' . $index]['url'] = $stream_url;
        $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp' . $index]['netConnectionUrl'] = $provider;
    else {
      $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp']['url'] = $stream_url;
      $flowplayer['clip']['provider'] = 'rtmp';
      $flowplayer['plugins']['rtmp']['netConnectionUrl'] = $data['othervars']['stream'];

  // Add product key if it has been set
  if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_product_key', '')) {
    $flowplayer['key'] = variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_product_key', '');

  // For now we will attach the complete flowplayer array to othervars so we can access it elsewhere
  $data['othervars']['flowplayer3']['config'] = $flowplayer;

  // Convert flowplayer array to JSON, ready to assign to a flashvar called config
  $config = drupal_to_js($flowplayer);

  // Replace " with ', and remove quotes from around true and false, to satisfy Flowplayer
  $config = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $config);

  // The ' has been escaped, so reverse it where it occurs in the playlist (it gets escaped again later!)
  $config = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $config);

  // Attach config to flashvars
  $data['flashvars']['config'] = $config;

  // Add JavaScript to enable auto-close behavior and accessibility