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function flowplayer3_swftools_embed in SWF Tools 6.2

1 call to flowplayer3_swftools_embed()
flowplayer3_init in flowplayer3/flowplayer3.module
Implementation of hook_init().


flowplayer3/flowplayer3.module, line 409


function flowplayer3_swftools_embed($action = 'add_js', $methods = FALSE, $vars = FALSE, $html_alt = '') {

  // Set flag to indicate if the javascript has been added to the header
  static $flowplayer3_has_run;

  // Output JavaScript to the header to load the SWF Object code
  if (!$flowplayer3_has_run) {

    // Add flowplayer3 embedding script
    drupal_add_js(swftools_get_player_path() . '/flowplayer3/' . variable_get('flowplayer3_mediaplayer_javascript', FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_JAVASCRIPT));

    // Add flowplayer3 css to ensure the container div is set to display:block
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'flowplayer3') . '/flowplayer3.css');

    // Set flag to show script is in place
    $flowplayer3_has_run = TRUE;

  // If this is all that is being done then return here
  if ($action == 'add_js') {

  // Initialise a counter to give each div a unique id
  static $unique_id = 0;

  // Construct a unique id for each div by using time() combined with $unique_id
  // This is necessary to prevent clashes between cached content
  $id = time() . $unique_id;
  $id = 'flowplayer3-id-' . $id;

   * If the container div includes markup then this is shown until the div is clicked because of the dynamic loading mechanism
   * that flowplayer uses.

  // Check if a splash image was set
  if (isset($vars->othervars['image'])) {
    $image_path = swftools_get_media_url(swftools_get_media_path() . $vars->othervars['image']);
    $image_style = 'style="background-image:url(' . $image_path . ');"';
  else {
    $image_style = '';

   * If the container actually has some content in it then flowplayer won't actually display the player.
   * It will wait until the container is clicked, and then load the player on demand. For now we will
   * suppress this behaviour by omitting the alt text. Empty containers are populated with the player immediately
   * upon load. This behavior is more consistent with how the module worked before. However, with background images
   * and css there is potential for some efficient coding here using this approach!

  //  // Build a simple HTML string to act as the container - this version shows the play buton
  //  $html = t('<div id="!id" class="flowplayer3-container" !image_style><img src="!img" alt="!alt" class="flowplayer3-play-button" /></div>', array(
  //    '!id' => $id,
  //    '!alt' => $html_alt,
  //    '!img' =>  base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'flowplayer3') . '/play_large.png',
  //    '!image_style' => $image_style,
  //  ));
  // Build a simple HTML string to act as the container - this version excludes alternate text so the player appears
  $html = t('<div id="!id" class="flowplayer3-container">!alt</div>', array(
    '!id' => $id,
    '!alt' => variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_load', TRUE) ? '' : $html_alt,

  // Unset properties we don't want output as part of the flash configuration

  // Clear wmode parameter as if this is not window then FlowPlayer will not display

  // Convert parameters to JSON
  $parameters = drupal_to_js($vars->params);

  // Replace " with ', and remove quotes from around true and false, to satisfy FlowPlayer
  $parameters = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $parameters);

  // Create the script to create a flowplayer instance, set the height and width, and then load it
  // Note that if the load() function is not called then the player won't actually appear until the container is clicked!
  $script = t('<script type="text/javascript">!prefix
             flowplayer("!id", !url, !config);
             !suffix</script>', array(
    '!url' => $parameters,
    '!id' => $id,
    '!height' => $vars->params['height'],
    '!width' => $vars->params['width'],
    '!config' => $vars->flashvars['config'],
    '!load' => variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_load', TRUE) ? 'flowplayer("' . $id . '").load();' : '',
    // For inline Javascript to validate as XHTML, all Javascript containing
    // XHTML needs to be wrapped in CDATA. To make that backwards compatible
    // with HTML 4, we need to comment out the CDATA-tag.
    '!prefix' => '<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--',
    '!suffix' => '//--><!]]>',

  // Return placeholder and JavaScript ready to be cached
  return $html . "\n" . $script;