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flowplayer3.module in SWF Tools 6.2


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 * SWF Tools - FlowPlayer 3
 * Enables the use of FlowPlayer 3 for media files.

 * Define constants that can be used to reference aspects relating to FlowPlayer3
define('FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER', 'flowplayer3_mediaplayer');
define('FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_FILE', 'flowplayer-3.1.3.swf');
define('FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_STREAM_PLUGIN', 'flowplayer.rtmp-3.1.2.swf');
define('FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_JAVASCRIPT', 'example/flowplayer-3.1.4.min.js');

 * Implementation of hook_swftools_methods().
function flowplayer3_swftools_methods() {

  // Initialise an array to hold the results
  $methods = array();

   * Define the FlowPlayer3 media player
   *   name         internal name used to refer to this player
   *   module       name of the module that provides this player
   *   file         name of flash variable to assign the name of the file to be played
   *   version      minimum version of flash needed to use this player
   *   shared_file  path to the shared file (relative to swftools/shared/
   *   title        human readable name of this player
   *   download     download path to the player (used to help users obtain the player)
  $media_player = array(
    'module' => 'flowplayer3',
    'file' => '',
    // Return nothing - do not make a file assignment
    'version' => '9',
    'shared_file' => 'flowplayer3/' . variable_get('flowplayer3_mediaplayer_file', FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_FILE),
    'title' => t('FlowPlayer 3'),
    'download' => FLOWPLAYER3_DOWNLOAD,
    'width' => '500',
    'height' => '375',

   * Define actions that the player can support by returning an array with keys
   * [action][name_of_player][player_details]

  // Return the method results
  return $methods;

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function flowplayer3_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/settings/swftools/flowplayer3'] = array(
    'title' => 'FlowPlayer 3',
    'description' => 'Settings for ' . l('FlowPlayer 3', FLOWPLAYER3_DOWNLOAD) . '.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer flash',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'flowplayer3'),
  return $items;

 * Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook().
 * Note that $methods and $vars are passed by reference, so the player module
 * can manipulate them directly if necessary.
 * @param $action
 *   String defining the action that is to be performed, eg SWFTOOLS_FLV_DISPLAY
 * @param &$methods
 *   Object containing two keys - player and method. Each consists of an array
 *   that defines the details of the resolved player and embedding method that
 *   is being used for this file.
 * @param &$vars
 *   Object containing three keys - othervars, flashvars and params. These are
 *   arrays containing key/value pairs that contain all the data assigned to this
 *   file so far. Refer to swf() for more details about the $vars array.
 * @return
 *   Return an array of flashvars needed to allow the player to work.
function flowplayer3_swftools_flashvars($action, &$methods, &$vars) {

  // Over-ride embedding to use FlowPlayer?
  if (variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_embed', FALSE)) {
    $methods->embed['module'] = 'flowplayer3';

  // Initialise array of FlowPlayer3 configuration settings
  $flowplayer = array();

  // Initialise array to hold data
  $playlist = array();

  // Initialise flag to show it this content is being streamed
  $stream = FALSE;

  // Is this file to be streamed? Check for the stream variable being set
  if (isset($vars->othervars['stream'])) {

    // Set stream flag to true
    $stream = TRUE;

  // If an image was supplied to be the splash then put this first in the list
  // This code doesn't seem to be working - the player objects to { url: '' }
  if (isset($vars->othervars['image'])) {
    $playlist[] = array(
      // Get url, checking for file existence, and using a relative url if possible.
      'url' => swftools_get_media_url(swftools_get_media_path() . $vars->othervars['image']),
      'autoPlay' => 'true',

  // If the passed variables includes 'playlist_data' we have a playlist
  if (isset($vars->othervars['playlist_data'])) {

    // Get file paths out of the playlist_data array and add to FlowPlayer playlist
    foreach ($vars->othervars['playlist_data']['playlist'] as $play) {

      // If this is a streamed playlist, use filename, otherwise use fileurl
      if ($stream) {
        $playlist[]['url'] = $play['filename'];
      else {
        $playlist[]['url'] = $play['fileurl'];
  else {

    // Not a playlist, so populate FlowPlayer3 playlist with the file_url
    $playlist[]['url'] = $vars->othervars['file_url'];

  // Attach the completed playlist to flowplayer array
  $flowplayer['playlist'] = $playlist;

  // Retrieve the current FlowPlayer3 settings
  $saved_settings = _flowplayer3_settings();

  // Scan through each setting to see if it is over-ridden in $vars->othervars
  // Unset properties that are blank to keep the resulting code 'tidy'
  foreach ($saved_settings as $category => $data) {
    foreach ($data as $property => $value) {
      if (isset($vars->othervars[$property])) {
        $saved_settings[$category][$property] = $vars->othervars[$property];
      if (!$saved_settings[$category][$property]) {

  // If the object doesn't have a width set then assign one
  if (!isset($vars->params['width'])) {
    $vars->params['width'] = $saved_settings['canvas']['width'];

  // If the object doesn't have a height set then assign one
  if (!isset($vars->params['height'])) {
    $vars->params['height'] = $saved_settings['canvas']['height'];

  // Add the properties to the flowplayer array ready for rendering
  $flowplayer['canvas'] = $saved_settings['canvas'];
  $flowplayer['clip'] = $saved_settings['clip'];

  // Configure the control bar
  $flowplayer['plugins']['controls'] = $saved_settings['controls'];

  // Assign the control bar url if required
  if (variable_get('flowplayer3_mediaplayer_controls', '')) {
    $flowplayer['plugins']['controls']['url'] = variable_get('flowplayer3_mediaplayer_controls', '');

  // If we are streaming this file, add the stream plugin
  if (isset($vars->othervars['stream'])) {

    // Define the clip provider as 'stream'
    $flowplayer['clip']['provider'] = 'stream';

    // Get the name of the stream plugin
    $flowplayer['plugins']['stream']['url'] = variable_get('flowplayer3_mediaplayer_stream_plugin', FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_STREAM_PLUGIN);

    // Set the path to the source of the stream
    $flowplayer['plugins']['stream']['netConnectionUrl'] = $vars->othervars['stream'];

  // Add product key if it has been set
  if (variable_get('flowplayer3_product_key', '')) {
    $flowplayer['key'] = variable_get('flowplayer3_product_key', '');

  // Convert flowplayer array to JSON, and assign to a flashvar called config
  $flashvars['config'] = drupal_to_js($flowplayer);

  // Replace " with ', and remove quotes from around true and false, to satisfy FlowPlayer
  $flashvars['config'] = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $flashvars['config']);

  // The ' has been escaped, so reverse it where it occurs in the playlist (it gets escaped again later!)

  //$flashvars['config'] = str_replace(array("\'"), array("'"), $flashvars['config']);

  // Return the finished array of flash variables
  return $flashvars;

 * Implementation of hook_{player}_swftools_playlist().
 * This function builds the content needed to write to an xml playlist. In the
 * case of FlowPlayer3 it is not actually necessary to produce an xml playlist,
 * but we must support this hook as SWF Tools uses its presence to detect that
 * the player is capable of supporting playlists.
 * @param $xml_data
 *   Array of data that can be used to build the xml playlist. Contains keys
 *     [header][title]  Title data that can be used for the playlist
 *     [playlist][key][filepath]  The filepath to the file
 *     [playlist][key][filename]  The filename of the file
 *     [playlist][key][fileurl]   The url of the file
 *     [playlist][key][title]     The title of the file
 *     [action]  The action to be performed by this playlist (e.g. SWFTOOLS_MP3_DISPLAY_LIST)
 * @param $method
 *   Object containing two keys - player and method. Each consists of an array
 *   that defines the details of the resolved player and embedding method that
 *   is being used for this file.   
 * @param $vars
 *   Object containing three keys - othervars, flashvars and params. These are
 *   arrays containing key/value pairs that contain all the data assigned to this
 *   file so far. THE ARRAY othervars CONTAINS A KEY playlist_data THAT APPEARS
 * @return
 *   String of text that be written to the xml file defining the playlist.
function flowplayer3_flowplayer3_mediaplayer_swftools_playlist($xml_data, &$method, &$vars) {

  // For FlowPlayer3 return nothing and let the handler create an empty xml file

 * Implementation of hook_swftools_variable_mapping().
 * @return
 *   Array of data describing how parameters passed to the player should be
 *   mapped. The first keys describe the name of the player, and this contains 
 *   a sub-array that consists of key/value pairs. The key describes the name
 *   of the parameter, the value describes what it maps to, e.g. flashvars
function flowplayer3_swftools_variable_mapping() {

  // FlowPlayer3 doesn't need to make any variable mappings
  return array(

 * Return player configurations settings that will be used if not over-ridden.
 * @return
 *   Because there are so many settings for FlowPlayer3 the defaults are defined
 *   in the array returned by this function. The function initialises an array
 *   of defaults, merges settings from the configuration page, and returns the
 *   result.
function _flowplayer3_settings() {

  // Define the settings list
  $defaults['clip'] = array(
    'autoPlay' => 'false',
    'autoBuffering' => 'false',
    'scaling' => 'scale',
    'start' => '',
    'duration' => '',
    'accelerated' => 'false',
    'bufferLength' => '',
    'provider' => '',
    'fadeInSpeed' => '',
    'fadeOutSpeed' => '',
    'linkUrl' => '',
    'linkWindow' => '_blank',
    'live' => 'false',
    'cuePointMultiplier' => '',
  $defaults['controls'] = array(
    'backgroundColor' => '#000000',
    'timeColor' => '#01DAFF',
    'durationColor' => '#FFFFFF',
    'progressColor' => '#015B7A',
    'backgroundGradient' => 'medium',
    'progressGradient' => 'medium',
    'bufferColor' => '#6C9CBC',
    'bufferGradient' => 'none',
    'sliderColor' => '#000000',
    'sliderGradient' => 'none',
    'buttonColor' => '#889AA4',
    'buttonOverColor' => '#92B2BD',
    'autoHide' => 'fullscreen',
    'play' => 'true',
    'volume' => 'true',
    'mute' => 'true',
    'time' => 'true',
    'stop' => 'false',
    'playlist' => 'false',
    'fullscreen' => 'true',
    'scrubber' => 'true',
    'top' => '',
    'left' => '',
    'bottom' => '',
    'right' => '',
    'opacity' => '',
  $defaults['canvas'] = array(
    'width' => 500,
    'height' => 375,
    'backgroundColor' => '#000000',
    'backgroundImage' => '',
    'backgroundRepeat' => 'repeat',
    'backgroundGradient' => 'low',
    'border' => '',
    'borderRadius' => '',

  // Retrieve settings from database, if available
  $saved_settings = variable_get(FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER, array());
  $saved_colors = variable_get('flowplayer3_palette', array());
  if ($saved_colors) {

    // Move background color to canvas
    $saved_settings['canvas']['backgroundColor'] = $saved_colors['backgroundColor'];

    // Move control bar background color to controls
    $saved_colors['backgroundColor'] = $saved_colors['controlbarbackgroundColor'];
    $saved_settings['controls'] += $saved_colors;

  // Merge the two sets together
  $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $saved_settings);

  // Return resulting defaults
  return $defaults;

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function flowplayer3_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/settings/swftools/flowplayer3':
      return '<p>' . t('These are the settings for the FlowPlayer 3 media player.
                      For details of what each parameter does refer to the
                      <a href="@flowplayer">FlowPlayer 3 documentation</a>.
                      It is possible that you do not need to change any of
                      these settings and blank values will use FlowPlayer
                      If content is embedded using the SWF Tools filter then each parameter
                      can be over-ridden by specifying a new value in the filter string.', array(
        '@flowplayer' => '',
      )) . '</p>';

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function flowplayer3_theme() {
  return array(
    'flowplayer3_scheme_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
function flowplayer3_swftools_embed($action = 'add_js', $methods = FALSE, $vars = FALSE, $html_alt = '') {

  // Set flag to indicate if the javascript has been added to the header
  static $flowplayer3_has_run;

  // Output JavaScript to the header to load the SWF Object code
  if (!$flowplayer3_has_run) {

    // Add flowplayer3 embedding script
    drupal_add_js(swftools_get_player_path() . '/flowplayer3/' . variable_get('flowplayer3_mediaplayer_javascript', FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER_JAVASCRIPT));

    // Add flowplayer3 css to ensure the container div is set to display:block
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'flowplayer3') . '/flowplayer3.css');

    // Set flag to show script is in place
    $flowplayer3_has_run = TRUE;

  // If this is all that is being done then return here
  if ($action == 'add_js') {

  // Initialise a counter to give each div a unique id
  static $unique_id = 0;

  // Construct a unique id for each div by using time() combined with $unique_id
  // This is necessary to prevent clashes between cached content
  $id = time() . $unique_id;
  $id = 'flowplayer3-id-' . $id;

   * If the container div includes markup then this is shown until the div is clicked because of the dynamic loading mechanism
   * that flowplayer uses.

  // Check if a splash image was set
  if (isset($vars->othervars['image'])) {
    $image_path = swftools_get_media_url(swftools_get_media_path() . $vars->othervars['image']);
    $image_style = 'style="background-image:url(' . $image_path . ');"';
  else {
    $image_style = '';

   * If the container actually has some content in it then flowplayer won't actually display the player.
   * It will wait until the container is clicked, and then load the player on demand. For now we will
   * suppress this behaviour by omitting the alt text. Empty containers are populated with the player immediately
   * upon load. This behavior is more consistent with how the module worked before. However, with background images
   * and css there is potential for some efficient coding here using this approach!

  //  // Build a simple HTML string to act as the container - this version shows the play buton
  //  $html = t('<div id="!id" class="flowplayer3-container" !image_style><img src="!img" alt="!alt" class="flowplayer3-play-button" /></div>', array(
  //    '!id' => $id,
  //    '!alt' => $html_alt,
  //    '!img' =>  base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'flowplayer3') . '/play_large.png',
  //    '!image_style' => $image_style,
  //  ));
  // Build a simple HTML string to act as the container - this version excludes alternate text so the player appears
  $html = t('<div id="!id" class="flowplayer3-container">!alt</div>', array(
    '!id' => $id,
    '!alt' => variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_load', TRUE) ? '' : $html_alt,

  // Unset properties we don't want output as part of the flash configuration

  // Clear wmode parameter as if this is not window then FlowPlayer will not display

  // Convert parameters to JSON
  $parameters = drupal_to_js($vars->params);

  // Replace " with ', and remove quotes from around true and false, to satisfy FlowPlayer
  $parameters = str_replace(array(
  ), array(
  ), $parameters);

  // Create the script to create a flowplayer instance, set the height and width, and then load it
  // Note that if the load() function is not called then the player won't actually appear until the container is clicked!
  $script = t('<script type="text/javascript">!prefix
             flowplayer("!id", !url, !config);
             !suffix</script>', array(
    '!url' => $parameters,
    '!id' => $id,
    '!height' => $vars->params['height'],
    '!width' => $vars->params['width'],
    '!config' => $vars->flashvars['config'],
    '!load' => variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_load', TRUE) ? 'flowplayer("' . $id . '").load();' : '',
    // For inline Javascript to validate as XHTML, all Javascript containing
    // XHTML needs to be wrapped in CDATA. To make that backwards compatible
    // with HTML 4, we need to comment out the CDATA-tag.
    '!prefix' => '<!--//--><![CDATA[//><!--',
    '!suffix' => '//--><!]]>',

  // Return placeholder and JavaScript ready to be cached
  return $html . "\n" . $script;

 * Implementation of hook_init().
 * If the site is configured to add script to every page, and to use FlowPlayer3 embedding, then add the JavaScript to the page.
 * @return
 *   Nothing.
function flowplayer3_init() {
  if (variable_get('swftools_always_add_js', SWFTOOLS_ALWAYS_ADD_JS) && variable_get('swftools_flowplayer3_embed', FALSE)) {


Namesort descending Description
flowplayer3_flowplayer3_mediaplayer_swftools_playlist Implementation of hook_{player}_swftools_playlist(). This function builds the content needed to write to an xml playlist. In the case of FlowPlayer3 it is not actually necessary to produce an xml playlist, but we must support this hook as SWF Tools…
flowplayer3_help Implementation of hook_help().
flowplayer3_init Implementation of hook_init().
flowplayer3_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
flowplayer3_swftools_flashvars Implementation of swftools_flashvars hook(). Note that $methods and $vars are passed by reference, so the player module can manipulate them directly if necessary.
flowplayer3_swftools_methods Implementation of hook_swftools_methods().
flowplayer3_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
_flowplayer3_settings Return player configurations settings that will be used if not over-ridden.


Namesort descending Description
FLOWPLAYER3_MEDIAPLAYER Define constants that can be used to reference aspects relating to FlowPlayer3