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function _svg_embed_get_svg in SVG Embed 7

Helper function to read the SCG, localise it and prepare it for output.


stdClass $file:

string $langcode:

bool $include_fallback:

Return value


2 calls to _svg_embed_get_svg()
svg_embed_fallback_png in ./svg_embed.module
Menu callback to localise and convert the SVG to PNG which will then be delivered to the requesting browser.
svg_embed_filter_svg_embed_process in ./svg_embed.module
Implements hook_filter_FILTER_process().


./svg_embed.module, line 288
SVG Embed. Provides a filter for text formats that includes and on the fly translates SVG files into text fields.


function _svg_embed_get_svg($file, $langcode, $include_fallback = TRUE) {
  $svg = file_get_contents($file->uri);
  if (!empty($svg)) {
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($svg);
    if (!empty($xml)) {
      if ($langcode != LANGUAGE_NONE) {
        _svg_embed_translate($xml, $langcode);
      if ($include_fallback && class_exists('Imagick')) {
        $fallback = $xml
          ->addAttribute('src', url('svg-embed/' . $langcode . '/' . $file->fid . '/fallback.png'));
      $svg = $xml
      $svg_tag = strpos($svg, '<svg');
      return $include_fallback ? substr($svg, $svg_tag) : $svg;
  return '';