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Functions in SVG Embed 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
svg_embed_fallback_png ./svg_embed.module Menu callback to localise and convert the SVG to PNG which will then be delivered to the requesting browser. 1
svg_embed_file_download ./svg_embed.module Implements hook_file_download().
svg_embed_filter_info ./svg_embed.module Implements hook_filter_info().
svg_embed_filter_svg_embed_process ./svg_embed.module Implements hook_filter_FILTER_process(). 1
svg_embed_filter_svg_embed_tips ./svg_embed.module Implements hook_filter_FILTER_tips(). 1
svg_embed_locale ./svg_embed.module Implements hook_locale().
svg_embed_manage_po_files ./svg_embed.module Form to download and upload PO files for embedded SVG files. 1
svg_embed_manage_po_files_submit ./svg_embed.module Process the import form submission.
svg_embed_menu ./svg_embed.module Implements hook_menu().
_svg_embed_extract ./svg_embed.module Helper function to find all strings and all their existing translations, prepared to export all to a po file. 1
_svg_embed_get_svg ./svg_embed.module Helper function to read the SCG, localise it and prepare it for output. 2
_svg_embed_translate ./svg_embed.module Helper function called recursively to translate all strings in an SVG file. 1

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