function theme_superfish_menu_item_link in Superfish 7
Theme a menu item link.
array $variables: An array of variables containing:
- menu_item: The menu item array.
- link_options: An array of link options.
2 theme calls to theme_superfish_menu_item_link()
- theme_superfish_build in ./
superfish.module - Helper function that builds the nested lists of a Superfish menu.
- theme_superfish_menu_item in ./
superfish.module - Returns HTML for a menu item.
- ./
superfish.module, line 2495 - Enables the use of jQuery Superfish plugin for Drupal menus.
function theme_superfish_menu_item_link(array $variables) {
$menu_item = $variables['menu_item'];
$link_options = $variables['link_options'];
return l($menu_item['link']['title'], $menu_item['link']['href'], $link_options);