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Functions in Superfish 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_superfish_plugin ./ Command to download the Superfish plugin. 1
superfish_admin_settings ./ Module settings form. 1
superfish_admin_settings_submit ./ Custom submission handler for the settings form. 1
superfish_admin_settings_validate ./ Implements hook_validate().
superfish_array_filter ./superfish.module Helper function to clean up arrays. 3
superfish_block_configure ./superfish.module Implements hook_block_configure().
superfish_block_info ./superfish.module Implements hook_block_info().
superfish_block_save ./superfish.module Implements hook_block_save().
superfish_block_validate ./superfish.module Validation function for the block configuration form. 1
superfish_block_view ./superfish.module Implements hook_block_view().
superfish_build_page_trail ./superfish.module Builds the active trail from the page's menu data. 1
superfish_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
superfish_drush_help ./ Implements hook_drush_help().
superfish_effects ./superfish.module Generate a list of available slide-in effects. 1
superfish_enable ./superfish.install Implements hook_enable().
superfish_form_block_admin_configure_alter ./superfish.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
superfish_get_path ./superfish.module Helper function to get library paths. 4
superfish_help ./superfish.module Implements hook_help().
superfish_library ./superfish.module Add require JavaScript and CSS files from the Superfish library. 1
superfish_library_check ./superfish.install Verifies Superfish library is present. 2
superfish_library_version ./superfish.install A function to check the Superfish library version. 1
superfish_menu ./superfish.module Implements hook_menu().
superfish_modernizr_info ./superfish.module Implements hook_modernizr_info().
superfish_permission ./superfish.module Implements hook_permission().
superfish_requirements ./superfish.install Implements hook_requirements().
superfish_sanitize ./superfish.module Sanitization function. 1
superfish_styles ./superfish.module Get a list of CSS files that can be used for styles. 3
superfish_system_settings_form ./ Overriding system settings form. 1
superfish_theme ./superfish.module Implements hook_theme().
superfish_uninstall ./superfish.install Implements hook_uninstall().
superfish_update_7100 ./superfish.install Implements hook_update_N().
theme_superfish ./superfish.module Theme function to allow any menu tree to be themed as a Superfish menu.
theme_superfish_build ./superfish.module Helper function that builds the nested lists of a Superfish menu.
theme_superfish_menu_item ./superfish.module Returns HTML for a menu item.
theme_superfish_menu_item_link ./superfish.module Theme a menu item link.

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