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function file_styles_styles_filter in Styles 7.2

Styles filter callback.

This will determine the correct style container corresponding to media type.


$object: A file object with a uri value specified in the $object->uri. Note: the file object may also be sent in a wrapper (Eg, $object->file->uri).

$element: The element parameter is ignored by this callback.

1 string reference to 'file_styles_styles_filter'
file_styles_styles_default_containers in contrib/file_styles/includes/styles/
Implementation of Styles module hook_styles_default_containers().


contrib/file_styles/file_styles.module, line 37
styles/contrib/file_styles/file_styles.module File widget formatter definitions.


function file_styles_styles_filter($object, $element = NULL) {

  // Remove the wrapper object from around the actual file, if provided.
  if (isset($object->file) && is_object($object->file)) {
    $object = $object->file;

  // Ensure we're working against the fully loaded file object.
  $object = file_styles_uri_to_object($object->uri, TRUE);

  // Allow other modules to define their own file styles.
  // In general, they'll most likely want to check against the mimetype.
  $containers = styles_default_containers('file');
  $filters = module_invoke_all('file_styles_filter', $object);
  foreach ($filters as $filter) {
    if (isset($containers['containers'][$filter])) {
      return $filter;

  // Now check the part of the mimetype before the slash.
  // Note that we can't use strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle)
  // < PHP 5.3, so we need a work-around.
  $filter = file_styles_strstr($object->filemime, '/', TRUE);
  if (isset($containers['containers'][$filter])) {
    return $filter;

  // Fallback to default.
  return 'default';