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file_styles.module in Styles 7.2

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  1. 7 contrib/file_styles/file_styles.module

styles/contrib/file_styles/file_styles.module File widget formatter definitions.


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 *  @file styles/contrib/file_styles/file_styles.module
 *  File widget formatter definitions.

// A registry of variable_get defaults.
include_once 'includes/';

 * Implementation of Styles module hook_styles_register().
function file_styles_styles_register() {
  return array(
    'FileStyles' => array(
      'field_types' => 'file',
      'name' => t('file'),
      'description' => t('file styles'),
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'file_styles') . '/includes/styles',
      'file' => '',

 * Styles filter callback.
 * This will determine the correct style container corresponding to media type.
 * @param $object
 *   A file object with a uri value specified in the $object->uri. Note: the
 *   file object may also be sent in a wrapper (Eg, $object->file->uri).
 * @param $element
 *   The element parameter is ignored by this callback.
function file_styles_styles_filter($object, $element = NULL) {

  // Remove the wrapper object from around the actual file, if provided.
  if (isset($object->file) && is_object($object->file)) {
    $object = $object->file;

  // Ensure we're working against the fully loaded file object.
  $object = file_styles_uri_to_object($object->uri, TRUE);

  // Allow other modules to define their own file styles.
  // In general, they'll most likely want to check against the mimetype.
  $containers = styles_default_containers('file');
  $filters = module_invoke_all('file_styles_filter', $object);
  foreach ($filters as $filter) {
    if (isset($containers['containers'][$filter])) {
      return $filter;

  // Now check the part of the mimetype before the slash.
  // Note that we can't use strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle)
  // < PHP 5.3, so we need a work-around.
  $filter = file_styles_strstr($object->filemime, '/', TRUE);
  if (isset($containers['containers'][$filter])) {
    return $filter;

  // Fallback to default.
  return 'default';

 * Support for strstr with $before_needle < PHP 5.3.
function file_styles_strstr($haystack, $needle, $before_needle = FALSE) {
  if ($before_needle) {
    list($var) = explode($needle, $haystack, 2);
    return $var;
  return strstr($haystack, $needle);

 * Return the path to the image for previews in Styles UI.
 * If it doesn't yet exist, then copy the source to the files directory.
 * @param boolean $replace
 *  If TRUE, then replace the file.
 * @return mixed
 *  The path to the image preview file, or FALSE if unable to copy.
function file_styles_preview_image($replace = FALSE) {
  $path = file_styles_variable_get('preview_image');
  if (!$path || $replace) {
    $dir = file_default_scheme() . '://' . file_styles_variable_get('preview_image_directory');
    if (file_prepare_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
      $source = file_styles_variable_get('image_style_preview_image');
      if ($path = file_unmanaged_copy($source, $dir . '/' . basename($source), FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE)) {
        file_styles_variable_set('preview_image', $path);
  return $path;

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
function file_styles_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  return array(
    'file_styles_image' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'image_uri' => '',
        'alt' => '',
        'title' => '',
        'attributes' => array(),
        'image_style' => NULL,
        'instance' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path . '/includes/themes',
    'file_styles_image_preview' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'style_name' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
      'path' => $path . '/includes/themes',

 * Returns a file object which can be passed to file_save().
 * @param $uri
 *   A string containing the URI, path, or filename.
 * @param $use_existing
 *   (Optional) If TRUE and there's an existing file in the {file_managed}
 *   table with the passed in URI, then that file object is returned.
 *   Otherwise, a new file object is returned.
 * @return
 *   A file object, or FALSE on error.
 * @see
function file_styles_uri_to_object($uri, $use_existing = FALSE) {
  if ($use_existing) {
    $query = db_select('file_managed', 'f')
      ->fields('f', array(
      ->condition('uri', $uri)
    if (!empty($query)) {
      $file = file_load(array_shift($query));
  if (!isset($file)) {
    global $user;
    $uri = file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize($uri);
    $wrapper = file_stream_wrapper_get_instance_by_uri($uri);
    $file = new StdClass();
    $file->uid = $user->uid;
    $file->filename = basename($uri);
    $file->uri = $uri;
    $file->filemime = file_get_mimetype($uri);

    // This is gagged because some uris will not support it.
    $file->filesize = @filesize($uri);
    $file->timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
    $file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
    $file->is_new = TRUE;
  return $file;

 * Implements hook_image_style_save().
function file_styles_image_style_save($image_style) {

  // Rebuild the styles to account for any new image styles.

 * Implements hook_image_style_delete().
function file_styles_image_style_delete($image_style) {

  // Rebuild the styles to account for any deleted image styles.
function file_styles_display_info_defaults($file_type, $view_mode, $style_name) {
  $formatter_name = 'file_field_styles_file_' . $style_name;
  $display = array(
    'status' => 1,
    'weight' => 0,
  $displays_original = file_displays_load($file_type, $view_mode, TRUE);
  if (!isset($displays_original[$formatter_name])) {
    $display_original = file_display_new($file_type, $view_mode, $formatter_name);
    $display += (array) $display_original;
    file_display_save((object) $display);

 * Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
 * Add view modes to the file entity type, appropriate for displaying media.
function file_styles_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
  if (module_exists('file_entity')) {
    $styles = styles_default_styles('file');
    foreach ($styles['styles'] as $style_name => $style) {
      if (!isset($entity_info['file']['view modes']['media_' . $style_name])) {
        $label = isset($style['label']) ? $style['label'] : ucfirst($style_name);
        $view_mode = 'file_styles_' . $style_name;
        $entity_info['file']['view modes'][$view_mode] = array(
          'label' => t($label),
          'custom settings' => TRUE,
        foreach ($entity_info['file']['bundles'] as $file_type => $bundle_info) {
          file_styles_display_info_defaults($file_type, $view_mode, $style_name);

 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function file_styles_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  if ($hook == 'entity_info_alter') {

    // Move my_module_rdf_mapping() to the end of the list. module_implements()
    // iterates through $implementations with a foreach loop which PHP iterates
    // in the order that the items were added, so to move an item to the end of
    // the array, we remove it and then add it.
    $group = $implementations['file_styles'];
    $implementations['file_styles'] = $group;


Namesort descending Description
file_styles_entity_info_alter Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
file_styles_image_style_delete Implements hook_image_style_delete().
file_styles_image_style_save Implements hook_image_style_save().
file_styles_module_implements_alter Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
file_styles_preview_image Return the path to the image for previews in Styles UI.
file_styles_strstr Support for strstr with $before_needle < PHP 5.3.
file_styles_styles_filter Styles filter callback.
file_styles_styles_register Implementation of Styles module hook_styles_register().
file_styles_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
file_styles_uri_to_object Returns a file object which can be passed to file_save().