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class stastspro_views_handler_field_graph in Statistics Pro 6

@file Views field handler for graph.


Expanded class hierarchy of stastspro_views_handler_field_graph

1 string reference to 'stastspro_views_handler_field_graph'
statspro_views_data in views/
Implementation of hook_views_data().


views/, line 9
Views field handler for graph.

View source
class stastspro_views_handler_field_graph extends views_handler_field_numeric {
  var $_max_graph_value = 0;

   * Table name for max calculation.
   * @var string
  var $base_table = 'statspro_term';
  function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
    $form['display_mode'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Display mode'),
      '#default_value' => $this->value,
      '#options' => array(
        'text' => t('String'),
        'graph' => t('Graph'),
      '#description' => t('Display mode for presentation.'),
    $form['graph_size'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Graph size'),
      '#default_value' => $this->options['graph_size'],
      '#description' => t('Width of the graph. The largest value will have this size. Others will be resized proportionally. Only used with display mode <em>graph</em>.'),
      '#size' => 10,
      '#field_suffix' => t('px'),
  function render($values) {
    $estimation = $values->{$this->field_alias};
    $rc = '-';
    switch ($this->options['display_mode']) {
      case 'graph':
        if ($estimation) {
          $rc = $this
        if ($estimation) {
          $rc = $estimation;
    return $rc;

   * Get HTML code for bar graph.
   * @param   object  $values
   * @return  string
  function get_bar_graph($values) {
    $estimation = (int) $values->{$this->field_alias};
    $rc = '<div style="width: ' . (int) $this->options['graph_size'] . 'px">';
    $rc .= sprintf('<img src="%s/images/bar_l.gif" height="10" alt="%s" title="%2$s" />', $this
      ->get_base_path(), t('Left side of the bar representing the number !value', array(
      '!value' => $estimation,
    $rc .= sprintf('<img src="%s/images/bar.gif" width="%s" height="10" alt="%s" title="%3$s" />', $this
      ->get_base_path(), $this
      ->get_current_graph_size($values), t('Middle of the bar representing the number !value', array(
      '!value' => $estimation,
    $rc .= sprintf('<img src="%s/images/bar_r.gif" height="10" alt="%s" title="%2$s" />', $this
      ->get_base_path(), t('Right side of the bar representing the number !value', array(
      '!value' => $estimation,
    $rc .= '</div>';
    return $rc;
  function get_max_graph_value() {
    $view_sql = $this->view->build_info['count_query'];
    $view_args = $this->view->build_info['query_args'];
    $pos = strpos($view_sql, ' FROM ');

    //TODO - clean this query.
    $max_query = 'SELECT MAX(' . $this->base_table . '.' . $this->field . ') FROM ' . drupal_substr($view_sql, $pos + 6);
    return db_result(db_query($max_query, $view_args));
  function get_current_graph_size($values) {
    if (!$this->_max_graph_value) {
      $this->_max_graph_value = $this
    if (empty($this->options['graph_size'])) {
      $this->options['graph_size'] = 50;
    return $values->{$this->field_alias} * (((int) $this->options['graph_size'] - 6) / $this->_max_graph_value);
  function get_base_path() {
    if (!$this->base_path) {
      $this->base_path = base_path() . drupal_get_path('module', 'statspro');
    return $this->base_path;

