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Functions in Statistics Pro 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
statspro_chart_summary ./
statspro_cron ./statspro.module Implementation of hook_menu().
statspro_drush_command ./ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
statspro_drush_help ./ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
statspro_drush_run ./ Run drush command for specified mode 1
statspro_get_period_items ./statspro.module Get items for period selection 3
statspro_install ./statspro.install Implementation of hook_install().
statspro_menu ./statspro.module Implementation of hook_menu().
statspro_nodeapi ./statspro.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
statspro_overview ./ Callback function for overview page 1
statspro_requirements ./statspro.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
statspro_reset_stats ./statspro.module Reset Statistics Pro. 2
statspro_schema ./statspro.install Implementation of hook_schema(). 1
statspro_settings_form ./statspro.module Form generating function for search_engine_referers settings 1
statspro_theme ./statspro.module Implementation of hook_theme().
statspro_tools ./ @file Include file for tools page 1
statspro_tools_submit ./
statspro_uninstall ./statspro.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
statspro_update_1 ./statspro.install
statspro_update_2 ./statspro.install
statspro_update_6100 ./statspro.install Creates a temporary statspro table with the day column already as DATE.
statspro_update_6101 ./statspro.install Moves the data from the old statspro table which has the column 'day' as TIMESTAMP to the temporary statspro_temp table which already has the 'day' column as DATE.
statspro_update_6102 ./statspro.install Drops the old statspro table.
statspro_update_6103 ./statspro.install Should not be used.
statspro_views_api ./statspro.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
statspro_views_data views/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
statspro_views_default_views views/
statspro_views_handlers views/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers() to register all of the basic handlers views uses.
theme_statspro_content ./
theme_statspro_log ./

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