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function stage_file_proxy_process_file_uri in Stage File Proxy 7

Checks to see if a file should be downloaded from the origin site.


string $uri: A fully-qualified file URI.

Return value

string|bool A string containing the new location to the file if it was downloaded, or FALSE if the file could not be processed with stage_file_proxy.

4 calls to stage_file_proxy_process_file_uri()
drush_stage_file_proxy_dl in ./
Download all managed files from the origin.
stage_file_proxy_file_url_alter in ./stage_file_proxy.module
Implements hook_file_url_alter().
stage_file_proxy_init in ./stage_file_proxy.module
Implements hook_init().
stage_file_proxy_preprocess_picture in ./stage_file_proxy.module
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_picture().


./stage_file_proxy.module, line 411
Stage File Proxy Module.


function stage_file_proxy_process_file_uri($uri) {

  // Prevent this function from being accidentally interpreted as a theme
  // process hook (in which case the first parameter would be an array).
  if (!is_string($uri)) {
    return FALSE;

  // There are cases when this is called for non-files, e.g. when someone does a
  // file_create_url() for a dir, and stage_file_proxy_file_url_alter calls us.
  // Anyway, whatever is there - maybe a symlink or some other odd ork - will
  // break our logic anyway. So checking for file_exists() here.
  if (file_uri_scheme($uri) === 'public' && !file_exists($uri)) {
    $excluded_paths = array();
    drupal_alter('stage_file_proxy_excluded_paths', $excluded_paths, $uri);
    foreach ($excluded_paths as $excluded_path) {
      if (strpos($uri, $excluded_path) !== FALSE) {
        return FALSE;

    // Path relative to file directory. Used for hotlinking.
    $relative_path = file_uri_target($uri);
    if ($proxy_url = stage_file_proxy_get_file_remote_url($relative_path)) {

      // Is this imagecache? Request the root file and let imagecache resize.
      // We check this first so locally added files have precedence.
      $original_path = _stage_file_proxy_image_style_path_original($relative_path, TRUE);
      if ($original_path) {
        if (file_exists($original_path)) {

          // image_style_deliver() can generate the derivative since the
          // source file exists.
          return FALSE;
        if (variable_get('stage_file_proxy_use_imagecache_root', TRUE)) {

          // Config says: Fetch the original.
          // Attempt to download the source of the requested derivative image.

          // Do not change the file's URL since we want to still direct the
          // user to the image style derivative, instead of the source image.
          return FALSE;

      // Check if hotlinking is enabled.
      if (variable_get('stage_file_proxy_hotlink', FALSE)) {
        return $proxy_url;

      // It's an image original, no hotlinking, so just fetch.
      if ($local = stage_file_proxy_fetch_file($relative_path)) {

        // If the file was downloaded successfully, then set the path to the
        // now local version of the file. This result is different since it
        // will not include the public:// scheme prefix.
        return $local;
  return FALSE;