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function stage_file_proxy_get_file_remote_url in Stage File Proxy 7

Fetches the remote URL for a stage file proxy-processed file.

@todo Should this be run through check_url()?


string $relative_path: The path to the requested resource relative to the files directory. This may include a query string already.

array $options: An optional array to pass through to url().

Return value

bool|string The remote URL or FALSE if an origin server is not provided.

2 calls to stage_file_proxy_get_file_remote_url()
stage_file_proxy_fetch_file in ./stage_file_proxy.module
Downloads a public file from the origin site.
stage_file_proxy_process_file_uri in ./stage_file_proxy.module
Checks to see if a file should be downloaded from the origin site.


./stage_file_proxy.module, line 272
Stage File Proxy Module.


function stage_file_proxy_get_file_remote_url($relative_path, array $options = array()) {
  $base_url =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($base_url)) {
    $base_url = FALSE;
    $server = rtrim(variable_get('stage_file_proxy_origin'), '/');

    // Quit if we are the origin. Ignore http(s) in the origin comparison.
    if (preg_replace('#^[a-z]*://#', '', $server) == preg_replace('#^[a-z]*://#', '', $GLOBALS['base_url'])) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($server) {
      $base_url = $server . '/';
    if ($dir = trim(variable_get('stage_file_proxy_origin_dir', _stage_file_proxy_file_dir()), '/')) {
      $base_url .= drupal_encode_path($dir) . '/';
  if (empty($base_url)) {
    return FALSE;
  $url = $base_url . drupal_encode_path($relative_path);
  $options += array(
    'external' => TRUE,

  // Pass through the current query string, if the file is the same as the
  // current request.
  if ($relative_path === $_GET['q']) {
    $options['query'] = drupal_get_query_parameters();
  return url($url, $options);