class Select in Drupal driver for SQL Server and SQL Azure 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Select.php \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Select
- 3.0.x drivers/lib/Drupal/Driver/Database/sqlsrv/Select.php \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Select
- class \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Query implements PlaceholderInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select implements SelectInterface uses QueryConditionTrait
- class \Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Select
- class \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select implements SelectInterface uses QueryConditionTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of Select
- drivers/
lib/ Drupal/ Driver/ Database/ sqlsrv/ Select.php, line 22 - Definition of Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrv\Select
Drupal\Driver\Database\sqlsrvView source
class Select extends QuerySelect {
* Adds an expression to the list of "fields" to be SELECTed.
* An expression can be any arbitrary string that is valid SQL. That includes
* various functions, which may in some cases be database-dependent. This
* method makes no effort to correct for database-specific functions.
* Overriden with an aditional exclude parameter that tells not to include
* this expression (by default) in the select list.
* Drupal expects the AVG() function to return a decimal number. SQL Server
* will return the FLOOR instead. We multiply the expression by 1.0 to force
* a cast inside the AVG function. `AVG(` becomes `AVG( * 1.0)`.
* @param string $expression
* The expression string. May contain placeholders.
* @param string $alias
* The alias for this expression. If not specified, one will be generated
* automatically in the form "expression_#". The alias will be checked for
* uniqueness, so the requested alias may not be the alias that is assigned
* in all cases.
* @param mixed $arguments
* Any placeholder arguments needed for this expression.
* @param string $exclude
* If set to TRUE, this expression will not be added to the select list.
* Useful when you want to reuse expressions in the WHERE part.
* @param string $expand
* If this expression will be expanded as a CROSS_JOIN so it can be consumed
* from other parts of the query. TRUE by default. It attempts to detect
* expressions that cannot be cross joined (aggregates).
* @return string
* The unique alias that was assigned for this expression.
public function addExpression($expression, $alias = NULL, $arguments = [], $exclude = FALSE, $expand = TRUE) {
$sub_expression = $expression;
$replacement_expression = '';
while (strlen($sub_expression) > 5 && ($pos1 = stripos($sub_expression, 'AVG(')) !== FALSE) {
$pos2 = $this
->findParenMatch($sub_expression, $pos1 + 3);
$inner = substr($sub_expression, $pos1 + 4, $pos2 - 4 - $pos1);
$replacement_expression .= substr($sub_expression, 0, $pos1 + 4) . '(' . $inner . ') * 1.0)';
if (strlen($sub_expression) > $pos2 + 1) {
$sub_expression = substr($sub_expression, $pos2 + 1);
else {
$sub_expression = '';
$replacement_expression .= $sub_expression;
$alias = parent::addExpression($replacement_expression, $alias, $arguments);
$this->expressions[$alias]['exclude'] = $exclude;
$this->expressions[$alias]['expand'] = $expand;
return $alias;
* Given a string find the matching parenthesis after the given point.
* @param string $string
* The input string.
* @param int $start_paren
* The 0 indexed position of the open-paren, for which we would like
* to find the matching closing-paren.
* @return int
* The 0 indexed position of the close paren.
private function findParenMatch($string, $start_paren) {
$str_array = str_split(substr($string, $start_paren + 1));
$paren_num = 1;
foreach ($str_array as $i => $char) {
if ($char == '(') {
elseif ($char == ')') {
if ($paren_num == 0) {
return $i + $start_paren + 1;
* Override for SelectQuery::preExecute().
* Ensure that all the fields in ORDER BY and GROUP BY are part of the
* main query.
public function preExecute(DatabaseSelectInterface $query = NULL) {
// If no query object is passed in, use $this.
if (!isset($query)) {
$query = $this;
// Only execute this once.
if ($this
->isPrepared()) {
return TRUE;
// Execute standard pre-execution first.
if ($this->distinct || $this->group) {
// When the query is DISTINCT or contains GROUP BY fields, all the fields
// in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses must appear in the returned
// columns.
$columns = $this->order + array_flip($this->group);
$counter = 0;
foreach ($columns as $field => $dummy) {
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($this->fields as $f) {
if (!isset($f['table']) || !isset($f['field'])) {
$alias = "{$f['table']}.{$f['field']}";
if ($alias == $field) {
$found = TRUE;
if (!isset($this->fields[$field]) && !isset($this->expressions[$field]) && !$found) {
$alias = '_field_' . $counter++;
->addExpression($field, $alias, array(), FALSE, FALSE);
$this->queryOptions['sqlsrv_drop_columns'][] = $alias;
// The other way round is also true, if using aggregates, all the fields in the SELECT
// must be present in the GROUP BY.
if (!empty($this->group)) {
foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
$spec = $field['table'] . '.' . $field['field'];
$alias = $field['alias'];
if (!isset($this->group[$spec]) && !isset($this->group[$alias])) {
$this->group[$spec] = $spec;
// More over, GROUP BY columns cannot use aliases, so expand them to
// their full expressions.
foreach ($this->group as $key => &$group_field) {
// Expand an alias on a field.
if (isset($this->fields[$group_field])) {
$field = $this->fields[$group_field];
$group_field = (isset($field['table']) ? $this->connection
->escapeTable($field['table']) . '.' : '') . $this->connection
else {
if (isset($this->expressions[$group_field])) {
$expression = $this->expressions[$group_field];
$group_field = $expression['expression'];
// If the expression has arguments, we now
// have duplicate placeholders. Run as insecure.
if (is_array($expression['arguments'])) {
$this->queryOptions['insecure'] = TRUE;
return $this->prepared;
* Override for SelectQuery::compile().
* Detect when this query is prepared for use in a sub-query.
public function compile(DatabaseConnection $connection, DatabasePlaceholderInterface $queryPlaceholder) {
$this->inSubQuery = $queryPlaceholder != $this;
return parent::compile($connection, $queryPlaceholder);
/* strpos that takes an array of values to match against a string
* note the stupid argument order (to match strpos)
private function stripos_arr($haystack, $needle) {
if (!is_array($needle)) {
$needle = array(
foreach ($needle as $what) {
if (($pos = stripos($haystack, $what)) !== false) {
return $pos;
return FALSE;
# Everything that follows a boundary that is not ":" or "_" or ".".
# Any reserved words, followed by a boundary that is not an opening parenthesis.
# Or a normal word.
" [^\\\\"] * (?: \\\\. [^\\\\"] *) * "
\' [^\\\\\']* (?: \\\\. [^\\\\\']*) * \'
private $cross_apply_aliases;
protected function replaceReservedAliases($matches) {
if ($matches[1] !== '') {
// Replace reserved words.
return $this->cross_apply_aliases[$matches[1]];
// Let other value passthru.
// by the logic of the regex above, this will always be the last match.
return end($matches);
public function __toString() {
// For convenience, we compile the query ourselves if the caller forgot
// to do it. This allows constructs like "(string) $query" to work. When
// the query will be executed, it will be recompiled using the proper
// placeholder generator anyway.
if (!$this
->compiled()) {
->compile($this->connection, $this);
// Create a sanitized comment string to prepend to the query.
$comments = $this->connection
$query = $comments . 'SELECT ';
if ($this->distinct) {
$query .= 'DISTINCT ';
$fields = array();
foreach ($this->tables as $alias => $table) {
// Table might be a subquery, so nothing to do really.
if (is_string($table['table']) && !empty($table['all_fields'])) {
// Temporary tables are not supported here.
if ($table['table'][0] == '#') {
$fields[] = $this->connection
->escapeTable($alias) . '.*';
else {
$info = $this->connection
// Some fields need to be "transparent" to Drupal, including technical primary keys
// or custom computed columns.
foreach ($info['columns_clean'] as $column) {
$fields[] = $this->connection
->escapeTable($alias) . '.' . $this->connection
foreach ($this->fields as $alias => $field) {
// Always use the AS keyword for field aliases, as some
// databases require it (e.g., PostgreSQL).
$fields[] = (isset($field['table']) ? $this->connection
->escapeTable($field['table']) . '.' : '') . $this->connection
->escapeField($field['field']) . ' AS ' . $this->connection
// In MySQL you can reuse expressions present in SELECT
// from WHERE.
// The way to emulate that behaviour in SQL Server is to
// fit all that in a CROSS_APPLY with an alias and then consume
// it from WHERE or AGGREGATE.
$cross_apply = array();
$this->cross_apply_aliases = array();
foreach ($this->expressions as $alias => $expression) {
// Only use CROSS_APPLY for non-aggregate expresions. This trick
// will not work, and does not make sense, for aggregates.
// If the alias is 'expression' this is Drupal's default
// meaning that more than probably this expression
// is never reused in a WHERE.
if ($expression['expand'] !== FALSE && $expression['alias'] != 'expression' && $this
->stripos_arr($expression['expression'], array(
)) === FALSE) {
// What we are doing here is using a CROSS APPLY to
// generate an expression that can be used in the select and where
// but we need to give this expression a new name.
$cross_apply[] = "\nCROSS APPLY (SELECT " . $expression['expression'] . ' cross_sqlsrv) cross_' . $expression['alias'];
$new_alias = 'cross_' . $expression['alias'] . '.cross_sqlsrv';
// We might not want an expression to appear in the select list.
if ($expression['exclude'] !== TRUE) {
$fields[] = $new_alias . ' AS ' . $expression['alias'];
// Store old expression and new representation.
$this->cross_apply_aliases[$expression['alias']] = 'cross_' . $expression['alias'] . '.cross_sqlsrv';
else {
// We might not want an expression to appear in the select list.
if ($expression['exclude'] !== TRUE) {
$fields[] = $expression['expression'] . ' AS [' . $expression['alias'] . ']';
$query .= implode(', ', $fields);
// FROM - We presume all queries have a FROM, as any query that doesn't won't need the query builder anyway.
$query .= "\nFROM ";
foreach ($this->tables as $alias => $table) {
$query .= "\n";
if (isset($table['join type'])) {
$query .= $table['join type'] . ' JOIN ';
// If the table is a subquery, compile it and integrate it into this query.
if ($table['table'] instanceof DatabaseSelectInterface) {
// Run preparation steps on this sub-query before converting to string.
$subquery = $table['table'];
$table_string = '(' . (string) $subquery . ')';
else {
$table_string = '{' . $this->connection
->escapeTable($table['table']) . '}';
// Don't use the AS keyword for table aliases, as some
// databases don't support it (e.g., Oracle).
$query .= $table_string . ' ' . $this->connection
if (!empty($table['condition'])) {
$query .= ' ON ' . $table['condition'];
$query .= implode($cross_apply);
if (count($this->condition)) {
// There is an implicit string cast on $this->condition.
$where = (string) $this->condition;
// References to expressions in cross-apply need to be updated.
// Now we need to update all references to the expression aliases
// and point them to the CROSS APPLY alias.
if (!empty($this->cross_apply_aliases)) {
$regex = str_replace('{0}', implode('|', array_keys($this->cross_apply_aliases)), self::RESERVED_REGEXP_BASE);
// Add and then remove the SELECT
// keyword. Do this to use the exact same
// regex that we have in DatabaseConnection_sqlrv.
$where = 'SELECT ' . $where;
$where = preg_replace_callback($regex, array(
), $where);
$where = substr($where, 7, strlen($where) - 7);
$query .= "\nWHERE ( " . $where . " )";
if ($this->group) {
$group = $this->group;
// You named it, if the newly expanded expression
// is added to the select list, then it must
// also be present in the aggregate expression.
$group = array_merge($group, $this->cross_apply_aliases);
$query .= "\nGROUP BY " . implode(', ', $group);
if (count($this->having)) {
// There is an implicit string cast on $this->having.
$query .= "\nHAVING " . $this->having;
// The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived
// tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML
// is also specified.
if ($this->order && (empty($this->inSubQuery) || !empty($this->range))) {
$query .= "\nORDER BY ";
$fields = array();
foreach ($this->order as $field => $direction) {
$fields[] = $field . ' ' . $direction;
$query .= implode(', ', $fields);
if (!empty($this->range)) {
$query = $this->connection
->addRangeToQuery($query, $this->range['start'], $this->range['length']);
// UNION is a little odd, as the select queries to combine are passed into
// this query, but syntactically they all end up on the same level.
if ($this->union) {
foreach ($this->union as $union) {
$query .= ' ' . $union['type'] . ' ' . (string) $union['query'];
return $query;
* Override of SelectQuery::orderRandom() for SQL Server.
* It seems that sorting by RAND() doesn't actually work, this is a less then
* elegant workaround.
* @status tested
public function orderRandom() {
$alias = $this
->addExpression('NEWID()', 'random_field');
return $this;
private function GetUsedAliases(DatabaseCondition $condition, array &$aliases = array()) {
foreach ($condition
->conditions() as $key => $c) {
if (is_string($key) && substr($key, 0, 1) == '#') {
if (is_a($c['field'], DatabaseCondition::class)) {
->GetUsedAliases($c['field'], $aliases);
else {
$aliases[$c['field']] = TRUE;
* This is like the default countQuery, but does not optimize field (or expressions)
* that are being used in conditions.
public function countQuery() {
// Create our new query object that we will mutate into a count query.
$count = clone $this;
$group_by = $count
$having = $count
if (!$count->distinct && !isset($having[0])) {
$used_aliases = array();
->GetUsedAliases($count->condition, $used_aliases);
// When not executing a distinct query, we can zero-out existing fields
// and expressions that are not used by a GROUP BY or HAVING. Fields
// listed in a GROUP BY or HAVING clause need to be present in the
// query.
$fields =& $count
foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
if (empty($group_by[$field]) && !isset($used_aliases[$value['alias']])) {
$expressions =& $count
foreach ($expressions as $field => $value) {
if (empty($group_by[$field]) && !isset($used_aliases[$value['alias']])) {
// Also remove 'all_fields' statements, which are expanded into tablename.*
// when the query is executed.
foreach ($count->tables as $alias => &$table) {
// If we've just removed all fields from the query, make sure there is at
// least one so that the query still runs.
// Ordering a count query is a waste of cycles, and breaks on some
// databases anyway.
$orders =& $count
$orders = array();
if ($count->distinct && !empty($group_by)) {
// If the query is distinct and contains a GROUP BY, we need to remove the
// distinct because SQL99 does not support counting on distinct multiple fields.
$count->distinct = FALSE;
$query = $this->connection
return $query;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
Query:: |
protected | property | An array of comments that can be prepended to a query. | |
Query:: |
protected | property | The connection object on which to run this query. | |
Query:: |
protected | property | The key of the connection object. | |
Query:: |
protected | property | The target of the connection object. | |
Query:: |
protected | property | The placeholder counter. | |
Query:: |
protected | property | The query options to pass on to the connection object. | |
Query:: |
protected | property | A unique identifier for this query object. | |
Query:: |
public | function | Adds a comment to the query. | |
Query:: |
public | function | Returns a reference to the comments array for the query. | |
Query:: |
public | function |
Gets the next placeholder value for this query object. Overrides PlaceholderInterface:: |
Query:: |
public | function |
Returns a unique identifier for this object. Overrides PlaceholderInterface:: |
Query:: |
public | function | Implements the magic __sleep function to disconnect from the database. | |
Query:: |
public | function | Implements the magic __wakeup function to reconnect to the database. | |
QueryConditionTrait:: |
protected | property | The condition object for this query. | |
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
QueryConditionTrait:: |
public | function | ||
Select:: |
private | property | ||
Select:: |
protected | property | Whether or not this query should be DISTINCT | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The expressions to SELECT as virtual fields. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The fields to SELECT. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The FOR UPDATE status | 1 |
Select:: |
protected | property | The fields by which to group. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The conditional object for the HAVING clause. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The fields by which to order this query. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | Indicates if preExecute() has already been called. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The range limiters for this query. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | The tables against which to JOIN. | |
Select:: |
protected | property | An array whose elements specify a query to UNION, and the UNION type. The 'type' key may be '', 'ALL', or 'DISTINCT' to represent a 'UNION', 'UNION ALL', or 'UNION DISTINCT'… | |
Select:: |
public | function |
Adds an expression to the list of "fields" to be SELECTed. Overrides Select:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Adds a field to the list to be SELECTed. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Join against another table in the database. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Adds additional metadata to the query. Overrides AlterableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Adds a tag to a query. Overrides AlterableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Gets a complete list of all values to insert into the prepared statement. Overrides QueryConditionTrait:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Override for SelectQuery::compile(). Overrides Select:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Check whether a condition has been previously compiled. Overrides QueryConditionTrait:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
This is like the default countQuery, but does not optimize field (or expressions)
that are being used in conditions. Overrides Select:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Sets this query to be DISTINCT. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Escapes a field name string. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Escapes characters that work as wildcard characters in a LIKE pattern. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Runs the query against the database. Overrides Query:: |
1 |
Select:: |
public | function |
Enhance this object by wrapping it in an extender object. Overrides ExtendableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Add multiple fields from the same table to be SELECTed. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
private | function | Given a string find the matching parenthesis after the given point. | |
Select:: |
public | function |
Add FOR UPDATE to the query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
1 |
Select:: |
public | function |
Compiles and returns an associative array of the arguments for this prepared statement. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Returns a reference to the expressions array for this query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Returns a reference to the fields array for this query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Returns a reference to the group-by array for this query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Retrieves a given piece of metadata. Overrides AlterableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Returns a reference to the order by array for this query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Returns a reference to the tables array for this query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Returns a reference to the union queries for this query. This include
queries for UNION, UNION ALL, and UNION DISTINCT. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
private | function | ||
Select:: |
public | function |
Groups the result set by the specified field. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Determines if a given query has all specified tags. Overrides AlterableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Determines if a given query has any specified tag. Overrides AlterableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Determines if a given query has a given tag. Overrides AlterableInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Adds an arbitrary HAVING clause to the query. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Gets a list of all values to insert into the HAVING clause. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Compiles the HAVING clause for later retrieval. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Helper function to build most common HAVING conditional clauses. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Gets a list of all conditions in the HAVING clause. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Sets a HAVING condition that the specified subquery returns values. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Sets a condition in the HAVING clause that the specified field be NOT NULL. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Sets a condition in the HAVING clause that the specified field be NULL. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Sets a HAVING condition that the specified subquery returns no values. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Inner Join against another table in the database. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Indicates if preExecute() has already been called on that object. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Default Join against another table in the database. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Left Outer Join against another table in the database. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Orders the result set by a given field. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
1 |
Select:: |
public | function |
Override of SelectQuery::orderRandom() for SQL Server. Overrides Select:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Override for SelectQuery::preExecute(). Overrides Select:: |
Select:: |
protected | function | Prepares a count query from the current query object. | |
Select:: |
public | function |
Restricts a query to a given range in the result set. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
protected | function | ||
Select:: |
constant | |||
Select:: |
public | function |
Right Outer Join against another table in the database. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
private | function | ||
Select:: |
public | function |
Add another Select query to UNION to this one. Overrides SelectInterface:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Implements the magic __clone function. Overrides Query:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Constructs a Select object. Overrides Query:: |
Select:: |
public | function |
Implements PHP magic __toString method to convert the query to a string. Overrides Select:: |