function spam_page in Spam 5
Drupal _page hook. Provides various spam actions based on the URL that is currently being accessed.
1 string reference to 'spam_page'
- spam_menu in ./
spam.module - Implementation of hook_menu().
- ./
spam.module, line 836
function spam_page() {
global $ID, $SOURCE;
/* URL looks something like spam/comment/12345/notspam
* 0 1 2 3
* 0 has to be spam for us to be here.
$source = arg(1);
$id = arg(2);
$op = arg(3);
if ($op) {
// set spam to TRUE (spam) or FALSE (not spam)
$is_spam = $op == 'spam';
else {
// invalid URL, let Drupal core generate a 404
return drupal_not_found();
$ID = $id;
$SOURCE = $source;
switch ($source) {
case 'comment':
$comment = spam_load_comment($id);
$old = spam_load('comment', $id);
$goto = "node/{$comment->nid}";
$goto_fragment = "comment-{$comment->cid}";
$header = $comment->subject;
$body = "{$comment->comment} {$comment->name} {$comment->mail} {$comment->homepage}";
watchdog('spam', t('Spam: marked comment "%subject" as @spam', array(
'%subject' => $comment->subject,
'@spam' => $is_spam ? 'spam' : 'not spam',
case 'node':
$node = node_load(array(
'nid' => $id,
$old = spam_load('node', $id);
$goto = "node/{$node->nid}";
$goto_fragment = "";
$header = $node->title;
$body = $node->body;
watchdog('spam', t('Spam: marked node "%title" as @spam', array(
'%title' => $node->title,
'@spam' => $is_spam ? 'spam' : 'not spam',
/* Allow external modules the ability to handle custom content types.
* Adds _spam_page($id) hook.
$hook = spam_invoke_hook('page', $id);
if ($hook['old']) {
$old = $hook['old'];
if ($hook['goto']) {
$goto = $hook['goto'];
if ($hook['goto_fragment']) {
$goto_fragment = $hook['goto_fragment'];
if ($hook['header']) {
$header = $hook['header'];
if ($hook['body']) {
$body = $hook['body'];
$hash = md5($header . $body);
$tokens = spam_tokenize($header, 'header*');
$tokens = array_merge($tokens, spam_tokenize($body));
if ($old->id) {
// we've filtered this content before, now we're updating it
spam_tokens_unsave($tokens, $is_spam);
spam_tokens_save($tokens, $is_spam);
db_query("UPDATE {spam_tracker} SET probability = %d, hash = '%s', timestamp = %d WHERE source = '%s' AND id = %d", $is_spam ? 99 : 1, $hash, time(), $source, $id);
else {
// this is the first time we've filtered this content
spam_tokens_save($tokens, $is_spam);
db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_tracker} (source,id,probability,hostname,hash,timestamp) VALUES('%s',%d,%d,'%s','%s',%d)", $source, $id, $is_spam ? 99 : 1, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $hash, time());
spam_default_actions($source, $id, $header, $body, $is_spam ? 99 : 1, $old, FALSE);
spam_log(SPAM_LOG, t('spam_page: @source manually marked as @spam', array(
'@source' => $source,
'@spam' => $is_spam ? 'spam' : 'not spam',
)), $source, $id);
drupal_goto($goto, NULL, $goto_fragment);