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Functions in Spam 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
spam_admin_settings ./spam.module Provides configuration interface for module. 1
spam_admin_settings_actions ./spam.module 1
spam_admin_settings_advanced ./spam.module 1
spam_admin_settings_filter ./spam.module 1
spam_admin_settings_limits ./spam.module 1
spam_bayesian_filter ./spam.module Simple Bayesian logic to determine the probability that the passed in array of tokens is spam. 1
spam_blocked_ips_overview ./spam.module Display a list of all IPs that have been blocked by the spam module. 1
spam_comment ./spam.module Drupal _comment hook. Passes new comments to the spam filter.
spam_comment_operations ./spam.module Return the function to call dependant on the $action requested. 2
spam_comment_overview ./spam.module Display the form that allows the user to edit comment spam. 1
spam_comment_overview_submit ./spam.module Form API hook; submit spam_comment_overview() form.
spam_comment_overview_validate ./spam.module Form API hook; validate spam_comment_overview() form.
spam_content_filter ./spam.module Determine whether or not provided text is spam. 2
spam_cron ./spam.module Drupal _cron hook. Provides ability to automatically expired spam content.
spam_custom_filter ./spam.module 1
spam_custom_filter_delete ./spam.module Display custom filter delete confirmation box. 1
spam_custom_filter_delete_submit ./spam.module Removes custom filter from database.
spam_custom_filter_edit ./spam.module Display form for adding/editing custom filters. 1
spam_custom_filter_edit_submit ./spam.module Form API hook; submit the custom filter.
spam_custom_filter_edit_validate ./spam.module Form API hook; validate the custom filter.
spam_custom_filter_load ./spam.module Loads a custom filter. 2
spam_custom_filter_overview ./spam.module Manage custom spam filters. 1
spam_custom_filter_scan ./spam.module Logic to apply custom filter to existing site content. (At this time, only comment scanning is supported). 1
spam_custom_filter_scan_submit ./spam.module Form API hook; submit the custom filter scanner.
spam_custom_filter_scan_validate ./spam.module Form API hook; validate the custom filter scanner.
spam_default_actions ./spam.module The default callback, performs all actions on spam/not spam content. 7
spam_delete_comment ./spam.module Delete the comment and all replies 1
spam_delete_node ./spam.module Delete the node 1
spam_donothing_comment ./spam.module Take no action if for some reason the command cannot be interpreted 2
spam_donothing_node ./spam.module Take no action if for some reason the command cannot be interpreted 2
spam_duplicate_filter ./spam.module Search the spam_tracker table to see if this new content is a duplicate of earlier content. If it is a duplicate, see if the content has been duplicated more than the configured number of allowable times. 1
spam_get_probability ./spam.module 3
spam_help ./spam.module Drupal _help hook. Provides help and informational text about the spam module.
spam_install ./spam.install Implementation of hook_install()
spam_invoke_hook ./spam.module Called by other spam module functions to invoke optional _spam hooks in external modules. 9
spam_ip_filter ./spam.module If blacklist is enabled, check to see if this is a known spammer IP. If it is, make them wait a while then redirect them to the main page with an indication that they're currently blacklisted. 3
spam_link ./spam.module Drupal _link hook. Adds themable spam related links to content if enabled.
spam_load ./spam.module Load's all fields from the matching spam entry in the spam_tracker table. 1
spam_load_comment ./spam.module comment support functions * 6
spam_log ./spam.module 26 1
spam_logs_entry ./spam.module Displays complete information about a single log entry ID. 1
spam_logs_overview ./spam.module Displays an overview of the latest spam log entries. 1
spam_mail ./spam.module Wrapper to user_mail() 2
spam_mail_body ./spam.module Generate an appropriate notification mail message 1
spam_menu ./spam.module Implementation of hook_menu().
spam_nodeapi ./spam.module Drupal _nodeapi hook. Passes new node content through the spam filter.
spam_node_operations_list ./spam.module Return the function to call dependant on the $action requested. 1
spam_node_overview ./spam.module Display the form that allows the user to edit comment spam 1
spam_node_overview_submit ./spam.module Submit code for the spam_node_overview form/function
spam_node_overview_validate ./spam.module Validation code for the spam_node_overview form/function


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