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7 calls to spam_default_actions() in Spam 5

spam_content_filter in ./spam.module
Determine whether or not provided text is spam.
spam_duplicate_filter in ./spam.module
Search the spam_tracker table to see if this new content is a duplicate of earlier content. If it is a duplicate, see if the content has been duplicated more than the configured number of allowable times.
spam_notspam_comment in ./spam.module
Mark the comment as not spam. This may cause the comment to become published depending on settings
spam_notspam_node in ./spam.module
Force a node to be marked as not spam. May not publish depending on settings
spam_page in ./spam.module
Drupal _page hook. Provides various spam actions based on the URL that is currently being accessed.
spam_spam_comment in ./spam.module
Mark the comment as spam. This may cause the comment to become unpublished depending on settings
spam_spam_node in ./spam.module
Force a node to be marked as spam. May unpublish depending on settings