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Functions in Spam 5.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
spam_scan ./spam.module API call for scanning content for spam. If spam is found, the appropriate action will be taken. 3
spam_score_is_spam ./spam.module 2
spam_skip_update ./spam.install When upgrading from the earlier 5.x-1.x versoin of the spam module, we need to skip _5301 through _5305, as they are contained in the _5300 update. This is because the upgrade process wasn't written until late in the Alpha development of the module. 6
spam_spam_operations ./spam.module Implementation of hook_spam_operations().
spam_uninstall ./spam.install Completely uninstall the spam module.
spam_unpublish ./spam.module Invoke unpublish action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module. 2
spam_update_5300 ./spam.install Upgrade websites that were running old Spam 2.0 modules.
spam_update_5301 ./spam.install Add trid field to spam_log table.
spam_update_5302 ./spam.install Introduce spam_statistics table.
spam_update_5303 ./spam.install Mark spam comments as SPAM_COMMENT instead of COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED.
spam_update_5304 ./spam.install Add missing index, showed up in my slow query log.
spam_update_5305 ./spam.install Add uid to spam_filters_errors table. Add form to spam_filters_errors table. Update id_type key to not be unique, id can be 0.
spam_update_statistics ./spam.module Increment internal counters. 9
spam_user modules/
spam_user_profile_update modules/ Be sure we're scanning the latest profile data. 1
surbl_spamapi filters/surbl/surbl.module Spam hook_spamapi implementation.
surbl_spam_filter filters/surbl/surbl.module Search for known spam urls in content. 1
theme_custom_admin_settings filters/custom/custom.module Format the custom filter admin page.
theme_spam_admin_filters ./spam.module Display list of filters.
theme_spam_admin_overview ./spam.module Theme spam administration overview.
theme_spam_comment_admin_overview modules/ Re-use function from comment module.
theme_spam_filter_form ./spam.module Theme spam administration filter form.
theme_spam_overview_filters ./spam.module Theme spam administration filter selector.
url_spamapi filters/url/url.module URL filter plug in for the spam module. Copyright(c) 2007-2008 Jeremy Andrews <>. All rights reserved.
url_spam_filter filters/url/url.module Search for known spam urls in content. 1
url_update filters/url/url.module Update url probabilities in database. 1
user_spamapi modules/ User module _spamapi() hook. 1
_custom_upgrade filters/custom/custom.module Upgrade from 5.x-1.x spam module. This doesn't live in the custom.install file, as there was no custom.module in the 5.x-1.x release (it was part of the core spam module). This doesn't live in spam.install because the spam_custom table… 1
_duplicate_action filters/duplicate/duplicate.module 2
_duplicate_arg filters/duplicate/duplicate.module The arg() function may not be availble early in the bootstrap process, so we reimplement it here. 1
_duplicate_content_hash filters/duplicate/duplicate.module Get and md5 hash of all content truncated together. 2
_spam_comment_cid modules/ Cache the comment id to be sure it's available when we need it. 2
_spam_comment_score modules/ Retreive spam score, caching in memory for repeated use. 2
_spam_error_link ./spam.module Helper function, generate a link for reporting mis-filtered content. 1
_spam_log_trace ./spam.module Maintain a "trace id", allowing easy tracing of all spam actions for each page load. Only active if logging is set to verbose or higher. 1
_spam_node_nid modules/ Cache the node id to be sure it's available when we need it. 1
_spam_sign ./spam.module Helper function, returns a randomized token used to build a unique path for reporting mis-filtered content. Intended as a spam deterrent. 4
_spam_truncate ./spam.module 1
_spam_user_uid modules/ Cache the user id to be sure it's available when we need it. 1
_surbl_url_extract filters/surbl/surbl.module Extract URLs from content. 1
_url_count filters/url/url.module Keep track of the total number of URLs found in the current content. 2
_url_extract filters/url/url.module 2


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