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function _spam_comment_score in Spam 5.3

Retreive spam score, caching in memory for repeated use.

2 calls to _spam_comment_score()
comment_comment in modules/
Drupal _comment() hook.
comment_spamapi_form_alter in modules/
Form alter gets it's own function so we can reference &$form without causing errors in PHP4 installations. (If we use spamapi, we have to set a default, which PHP4 doesn't support.)


modules/, line 284


function _spam_comment_score($cid) {
  static $scores = array();
  if (!isset($scores[$cid])) {
    $scores[$cid] = db_result(db_query("SELECT score FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = 'comment' AND content_id = %d", $cid));
  return $scores[$cid];