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search_api.index.social_content.yml in Open Social 8.8



View source
  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. module:
  5. - node
  6. - search_api
  7. config:
  8. -
  9. -
  10. - search_api.server.social_database
  11. - core.entity_view_mode.node.search_index
  12. id: social_content
  13. name: 'Social Content'
  14. description: 'Default content index created for the Social distribution.'
  15. read_only: false
  16. field_settings:
  17. created:
  18. label: 'Authored on'
  19. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  20. property_path: created
  21. type: date
  22. dependencies:
  23. module:
  24. - node
  25. field_event_date:
  26. label: Start
  27. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  28. property_path: field_event_date
  29. type: date
  30. dependencies:
  31. config:
  32. -
  33. field_event_date_end:
  34. label: End
  35. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  36. property_path: field_event_date_end
  37. type: date
  38. dependencies:
  39. config:
  40. -
  41. node_grants:
  42. label: 'Node access information'
  43. property_path: search_api_node_grants
  44. type: string
  45. indexed_locked: true
  46. type_locked: true
  47. hidden: true
  48. rendered_item:
  49. label: 'Rendered HTML output'
  50. property_path: rendered_item
  51. type: text
  52. configuration:
  53. roles:
  54. anonymous: anonymous
  55. view_mode:
  56. 'entity:node':
  57. book: search_index
  58. event: search_index
  59. page: search_index
  60. topic: search_index
  61. status:
  62. label: 'Publishing status'
  63. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  64. property_path: status
  65. type: boolean
  66. indexed_locked: true
  67. type_locked: true
  68. dependencies:
  69. module:
  70. - node
  71. title:
  72. label: Title
  73. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  74. property_path: title
  75. type: text
  76. boost: !!float 21
  77. dependencies:
  78. module:
  79. - node
  80. type:
  81. label: Type
  82. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  83. property_path: type
  84. type: text
  85. boost: !!float 13
  86. dependencies:
  87. module:
  88. - node
  89. uid:
  90. label: 'Authored by'
  91. datasource_id: 'entity:node'
  92. property_path: uid
  93. type: integer
  94. indexed_locked: true
  95. type_locked: true
  96. dependencies:
  97. module:
  98. - node
  99. datasource_settings:
  100. 'entity:node':
  101. plugin_id: 'entity:node'
  102. bundles:
  103. default: true
  104. selected: { }
  105. languages:
  106. default: true
  107. selected: { }
  108. processor_settings:
  109. rendered_item:
  110. plugin_id: rendered_item
  111. weights:
  112. add_properties: 0
  113. pre_index_save: -10
  114. add_url:
  115. plugin_id: add_url
  116. weights:
  117. preprocess_index: -30
  118. aggregated_field:
  119. plugin_id: aggregated_field
  120. weights:
  121. add_properties: 20
  122. tokenizer:
  123. plugin_id: tokenizer
  124. all_fields: true
  125. fields:
  126. - rendered_item
  127. - title
  128. spaces: ''
  129. overlap_cjk: 1
  130. minimum_word_size: '3'
  131. weights:
  132. preprocess_index: -6
  133. preprocess_query: -6
  134. stopwords:
  135. plugin_id: stopwords
  136. all_fields: false
  137. fields:
  138. - rendered_item
  139. - title
  140. stopwords:
  141. - a
  142. - an
  143. - and
  144. - are
  145. - as
  146. - at
  147. - be
  148. - but
  149. - by
  150. - for
  151. - if
  152. - in
  153. - into
  154. - is
  155. - it
  156. - 'no'
  157. - not
  158. - of
  159. - 'on'
  160. - or
  161. - s
  162. - such
  163. - t
  164. - that
  165. - the
  166. - their
  167. - then
  168. - there
  169. - these
  170. - they
  171. - this
  172. - to
  173. - was
  174. - will
  175. - with
  176. weights:
  177. preprocess_index: -5
  178. preprocess_query: -2
  179. ignorecase:
  180. plugin_id: ignorecase
  181. all_fields: true
  182. fields:
  183. - rendered_item
  184. - title
  185. weights:
  186. preprocess_index: -10
  187. preprocess_query: -10
  188. transliteration:
  189. plugin_id: transliteration
  190. all_fields: true
  191. fields:
  192. - rendered_item
  193. - title
  194. weights:
  195. preprocess_index: -10
  196. preprocess_query: -10
  197. content_access:
  198. plugin_id: content_access
  199. weights:
  200. preprocess_index: -10
  201. preprocess_query: -10
  202. html_filter:
  203. plugin_id: html_filter
  204. all_fields: false
  205. fields:
  206. - rendered_item
  207. title: true
  208. alt: true
  209. tags:
  210. b: 2
  211. em: 1
  212. h1: 5
  213. h2: 3
  214. h3: 2
  215. strong: 2
  216. u: 1
  217. weights:
  218. preprocess_index: -10
  219. preprocess_query: -10
  220. tracker_settings:
  221. default:
  222. indexing_order: fifo
  223. options:
  224. index_directly: false
  225. cron_limit: 50
  226. server: social_database