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function search_index in Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4 modules/search.module \search_index()
  2. 5 modules/search/search.module \search_index()
  3. 6 modules/search/search.module \search_index()
  4. 7 modules/search/search.module \search_index()

Updates the full-text search index for a particular item.


string $type: The plugin ID or other machine-readable type of this item, which should be less than 64 bytes.

int $sid: An ID number identifying this particular item (e.g., node ID).

string $langcode: Language code for the language of the text being indexed.

string $text: The content of this item. Must be a piece of HTML or plain text.


in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed from drupal:9.0.0. Use \Drupal\search\SearchIndex::index() instead.

See also

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core/modules/search/search.module, line 403
Enables site-wide keyword searching.


function search_index($type, $sid, $langcode, $text) {
  @trigger_error("search_index() is deprecated in drupal:8.8.0 and is removed in drupal:9.0.0. Use \\Drupal\\search\\SearchIndex::index() instead. See", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    ->index($type, $sid, $langcode, $text);