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social_follow_taxonomy.module in Open Social 10.1.x


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 * @file
 * Contains social_follow_taxonomy.module.
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\flag\Entity\Flag;
use Drupal\flag\FlagInterface;
use Drupal\message\Entity\Message;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\social_post\Entity\PostInterface;
use Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function social_follow_taxonomy_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  return [
    'flag__follow_term' => [
      'base hook' => 'flag',
    'activity__followed' => [
      'base hook' => 'activity',
    'activity__node__followed' => [
      'base hook' => 'activity',

 * Implements hook_social_user_account_header_account_links().
 * Adds the "Following tags" link to the user menu.
function social_follow_taxonomy_social_user_account_header_account_links(array $context) {
  return [
    'my_tags' => [
      '#type' => 'link',
      '#attributes' => [
        'title' => new TranslatableMarkup("View tags I'm following"),
      '#title' => new TranslatableMarkup('Following tags'),
      '#weight' => 1001,
    ] + Url::fromRoute('view.following_tags.following_tags')

 * Implements hook_page_attachments().
function social_follow_taxonomy_page_attachments(array &$page) {
  $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'social_follow_taxonomy/social_follow_taxonomy';

 * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_alter().
 * Add new activity stream message template for nodes with a term followed by
 * the user to make it possible to override the default template.
function social_follow_taxonomy_theme_suggestions_activity_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
  $activity = $variables['elements']['#activity'];

  // Get a message entity from the activity.
  $message = Message::load($activity->field_activity_message->target_id);
  $message_template = [

  // Get the name of the template from the data of the message entity.
  if (in_array($message
    ->id(), $message_template)) {
    $entity_type = $activity->field_activity_entity
    if (isset($activity->view) && $activity->view->current_display == 'block_stream_homepage') {
      if ($entity_type === 'node' || $entity_type === 'post') {
        $suggestions[] = 'activity__followed';
        $suggestions[] = 'activity__' . $entity_type . '__followed';

 * Extends variables for activity template.
 * Implements hook_preprocess_activity().
 * {@inheritdoc}
function social_follow_taxonomy_preprocess_activity(&$variables) {
  $activity = $variables['elements']['#activity'];
  $message_template = [
  $message = Message::load($activity->field_activity_message->target_id);
  $message_template_id = $message
  if (in_array($message_template_id, $message_template)) {
    $entity = $activity
    if ($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() === 'node') {
      $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      if ($entity instanceof NodeInterface) {
        $term_ids = social_follow_taxonomy_terms_list($entity);
        foreach ($term_ids as $term_id) {
          $flag = $storage
            'flag_id' => 'follow_term',
            'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
            'entity_id' => $term_id,
            'uid' => \Drupal::currentUser()
          $flag = reset($flag);
          if (!empty($flag)) {

            /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term */
            $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            $variables['content_type'] = $entity->type->entity
            $variables['followed_tags'][$term_id] = [
              'name' => $term
              'flag' => social_follow_taxonomy_flag_link($term),
    if ($entity
      ->getEntityTypeId() === 'post') {
      $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      if ($entity instanceof PostInterface) {
        $term_ids = social_follow_taxonomy_terms_list($entity);
        foreach ($term_ids as $term_id) {
          $flag = $storage
            'flag_id' => 'follow_term',
            'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
            'entity_id' => $term_id,
            'uid' => \Drupal::currentUser()
          $flag = reset($flag);
          if (!empty($flag)) {

            /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term */
            $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            $variables['content_type'] = $entity
            $variables['followed_tags'][$term_id] = [
              'name' => $term
              'flag' => social_follow_taxonomy_flag_link($term),

 * Implements hook_token_info().
function social_follow_taxonomy_token_info() {
  $type = [
    'name' => t('Social Follow Taxonomy'),
    'description' => t('Tokens from the Social Follow Taxonomy module.'),
  $social_taxonomy['content_type'] = [
    'name' => t('The content type.'),
    'description' => t('The type of the content that is related to following term.'),
  $social_taxonomy['indefinite_article'] = [
    'name' => t('A/an article.'),
    'description' => t('Adds an article before the content label.'),
  $social_taxonomy['taxonomy_i_follow'] = [
    'name' => t('Taxonomy I follow.'),
    'description' => t('Taxonomy term I follow'),
  $social_taxonomy['post_url'] = [
    'name' => t('Post URL'),
    'description' => t('Post absolute URL.'),
  return [
    'types' => [
      'social_taxonomy' => $type,
    'tokens' => [
      'social_taxonomy' => $social_taxonomy,

 * Implements hook_tokens().
 * { @inheritdoc }
function social_follow_taxonomy_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data, array $options, BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata) {
  $replacements = [];
  $display_name = '';
  if (empty($data['message'])) {
    return $replacements;
  if ($type === 'social_taxonomy') {
    foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
      switch ($name) {
        case 'content_type':
        case 'indefinite_article':
        case 'taxonomy_i_follow':

          /** @var \Drupal\message\Entity\Message $message */
          $message = $data['message'];

          // Get the related entity.
          if (isset($message->field_message_related_object)) {
            $target_type = $message->field_message_related_object->target_type;
            $target_id = $message->field_message_related_object->target_id;
            $entity = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
            if (is_object($entity)) {
              switch ($target_type) {
                case 'node':

                  /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $entity */
                  if ($entity instanceof NodeInterface) {

                    // Get the name of the content.
                    $display_name = strtolower($entity->type->entity

                    // Get the names of terms related to the content.
                    $term_ids = social_follow_taxonomy_terms_list($entity);
                    $term_names = [];
                    foreach ($term_ids as $term_id) {

                      /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term */
                      $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
                      if ($term instanceof TermInterface) {
                        if (social_follow_taxonomy_term_followed($term)) {
                          $term_names[] = $term
                case 'post':

                  // Get the name of the entity type.
                  $display_name = strtolower($entity
          if ($name === 'content_type') {
            $replacements[$original] = $display_name;
          if ($name === 'indefinite_article') {
            if (!empty($display_name)) {

              // Prepares a replacement token: content name.
              // When a name of content name starts from a vowel letter then
              // will be added "an" before this name. For example "an event".
              if (preg_match('/^[aeiou]/', $display_name)) {
                $indefinite_article = t('an');
              else {
                $indefinite_article = t('a');
              $replacements[$original] = $indefinite_article;
            else {
              $replacements[$original] = '';
          if ($name === 'taxonomy_i_follow' && !empty($term_names)) {

            // Prepares a replacement token: a string with term names.
            // Wrap the names in quotation marks and separate it with commas.
            $replacement_string = "'" . implode("', '", $term_names) . "'";
            $replacements[$original] = $replacement_string;
  if ($type === 'message') {

    /** @var \Drupal\message\MessageInterface $message */
    $message = $data['message'];
    foreach ($tokens as $name => $original) {
      if ($name === 'post_url' && isset($message->field_message_related_object)) {
        $replacements[$original] = '';
        $target_type = $message->field_message_related_object->target_type;
        $target_id = $message->field_message_related_object->target_id;
        $entity = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        if ($entity) {
          if ($target_type === 'post') {
            $post_link = Url::fromRoute('', [
              'post' => $entity
            ], [
              'absolute' => TRUE,
            $replacements[$original] = $post_link;
  return $replacements;

 * Function to check if term is followed.
 * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term
 *   Term entity.
 * @return bool
 *   Follow result.
function social_follow_taxonomy_term_followed(TermInterface $term) {
  $follow = FALSE;
  if (!\Drupal::currentUser()
    ->isAnonymous()) {
    $flag = Flag::load('follow_term');
    if ($flag instanceof FlagInterface) {

      /** @var \Drupal\flag\FlagService $service */
      $service = \Drupal::service('flag');
      if (!empty($service
        ->getFlagging($flag, $term, \Drupal::currentUser()))) {
        $follow = TRUE;
  return $follow;

 * Function for counting the number of followers of the term.
 * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term
 *   Term entity.
 * @return int
 *   Count of followers.
function social_follow_taxonomy_term_followers_count(TermInterface $term) {
  $count = 0;

  /** @var \Drupal\flag\FlagCountManagerInterface $flag_count_manager */
  $flag_count_manager = \Drupal::service('flag.count');
  $term_followers_count = $flag_count_manager
  if (isset($term_followers_count['follow_term'])) {
    $count = $term_followers_count['follow_term'];
  return $count;

 * A function that prepares a flag link for a taxonomy term.
 * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term
 *   Term entity.
 * @return string
 *   Link button to flag/unflag current term.
function social_follow_taxonomy_flag_link(TermInterface $term) {
  $flag_link = '';
  if (!\Drupal::currentUser()
    ->isAnonymous()) {
    $flag_link_service = \Drupal::service('flag.link_builder');
    $flag_link = $flag_link_service
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $term
      ->id(), 'follow_term');
  return $flag_link;

 * Function for counting the number of nodes related to the term.
 * @param \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $term
 *   Term entity.
 * @param string $field_id
 *   Taxonomy term reference field id.
 * @param string $entity_type
 *   Entity type ID.
 * @return int
 *   Count of related nodes.
function social_follow_taxonomy_related_entity_count(TermInterface $term, $field_id, $entity_type = 'node') {
  switch ($entity_type) {
    case 'node':
      $items = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        ->condition($field_id, $term
        ->addMetaData('base_table', 'node')
        ->addMetaData('op', 'view')
    case 'group':
      $items = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        ->condition($field_id, $term
    ->alter('social_follow_taxonomy_related_items', $items, $term);
  return count($items);

 * Provide an array of terms related to entity.
 * @param Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
 *   Related entity.
 * @return array
 *   List of term ids.
function social_follow_taxonomy_terms_list(EntityInterface $entity) {
  $term_ids = [];
    ->alter('social_follow_taxonomy_terms_list', $term_ids, $entity);
  return $term_ids;

 * Implements hook_activity_send_email_notifications_alter().
function social_follow_tag_activity_send_email_notifications_alter(array &$items, array $email_message_templates) {
  if (isset($email_message_templates['create_node_following_tag_stream'])) {
    $items['what_follow']['templates'][] = 'create_node_following_tag_stream';
  if (isset($email_message_templates['create_node_following_tag'])) {
    $items['what_follow']['templates'][] = 'create_node_following_tag';
  if (isset($email_message_templates['update_node_following_tag'])) {
    $items['what_follow']['templates'][] = 'update_node_following_tag';

 * Implements hook_entity_presave().
function social_follow_taxonomy_entity_presave(EntityInterface $entity) {

 * Implements hook_entity_delete().
function social_follow_taxonomy_entity_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {

 * Invalidates cache for added/removed tags to entity.
 * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
 *   The entity.
function _social_follow_taxonomy_invalidate_follow_tag_cache(EntityInterface $entity) {
  if (!$entity instanceof ContentEntityInterface || !$entity
    ->hasField('social_tagging')) {
  if ($entity
    ->isNew()) {
    if ($entity
      ->isEmpty()) {

    // Added tags.
    $tags = array_column($entity
      ->getValue(), 'target_id');
  else {
    $tags = [];

    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $old_entity */
    $old_entity = $entity->original;
    if (!is_null($old_entity)) {

      // Tags before save.
      $old_tags = $old_entity

      // Tags after save.
      $new_tags = $entity

      // Get removed/added tags.
      $tags_removed = array_diff(array_column($old_tags, 'target_id'), array_column($new_tags, 'target_id'));
      $tags_added = array_diff(array_column($new_tags, 'target_id'), array_column($old_tags, 'target_id'));
      if (!empty($tags_removed)) {
        $tags = array_merge($tags, $tags_removed);
      if (!empty($tags_added)) {
        $tags = array_merge($tags, $tags_added);
    else {
      $tags = array_column($entity
        ->getValue(), 'target_id');

  // Get entity type.
  $entity_type = $entity

  // Invalidate cache for specific tags.
  if (!empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
      $invalidate_tag[] = "follow_tag_{$entity_type}:{$tag}";