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Functions in SMTP Authentication Support 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
smtp_admin_criteria_delete ./ Delete selection criteria. 1
smtp_admin_criteria_delete_submit ./ Submit handler.
smtp_admin_criteria_settings ./ Administrative settings. 1
smtp_admin_criteria_settings_submit ./ Submit handler.
smtp_admin_provider_delete ./ 1
smtp_admin_provider_delete_submit ./
smtp_admin_provider_delete_validate ./
smtp_admin_provider_settings ./ Administrative settings. 1
smtp_admin_provider_settings_submit ./ Submit handler().
smtp_admin_provider_settings_validate ./ Validation for the administrative settings form.
smtp_admin_settings ./ Administrative settings. 1
smtp_admin_settings_form_submit ./ Submit handler(). 1
smtp_admin_settings_submit_post_system_settings ./ Submit handler for the administrative settings form containing all functionality to be run after system_settings_form_submit. 1
smtp_admin_settings_validate ./ Validation for the administrative settings form.
smtp_cron_queue_info ./smtp.module Implementation of hook_cron_queue_info().
smtp_current_provider ./smtp.module Auxiliar function that retrieves the current SMTP provider. It can be used in other places of the code to force a provider, using the $provider param. 2
smtp_disable ./smtp.install Implements hook_disable().
smtp_drush_sql_sync_sanitize ./ Implements hook_sql_sync_sanitize().
smtp_failed_messages ./smtp.module Store failed messages for later. 1
smtp_failure_queue_runner ./smtp.module Queue runner for smtp_failure_queue. 1
smtp_help ./smtp.module Implements hook_help().
smtp_install ./smtp.install Implements hook_install().
smtp_list_selection_criterias ./smtp.module Lists selection criterias. 2
smtp_mail ./smtp.module Implements hook_mail().
smtp_menu ./smtp.module Implements hook_menu().
smtp_permission ./smtp.module Implements hook_permission().
smtp_prefered_provider ./smtp.module Gets the provider for the first met selection criteria. 1
smtp_provider_machine_name_exist ./ 1
smtp_provider_variable_get ./smtp.module Get the variable value of the enabled provider 2
smtp_requirements ./smtp.install Implements hook_requirements().
smtp_schema ./smtp.install Implements hook_schema().
smtp_selection_criteria_load ./smtp.module Loads a criteria by its identifier.
smtp_send_queue ./smtp.module smtp_send_queue queuer. 1 1
smtp_send_queue_runner ./smtp.module 1
smtp_tests_mail tests/smtp_tests.module Implements hook_mail().
smtp_theme ./smtp.module Implements hook_theme().
smtp_uninstall ./smtp.install Implements hook_uninstall().
smtp_update_7000 ./smtp.install Upgrade to Drupal 7.x
smtp_update_7100 ./smtp.install Back to default mail system if the status flag is off.
smtp_update_7101 ./smtp.install Updating variable value now that new SMTP logging behavior has been implemented.
smtp_update_7102 ./smtp.install Remove the unused 'smtp_library' variable.
smtp_update_7103 ./smtp.install Set the current smtp server into a 'default' provider
smtp_update_7104 ./smtp.install Delete the variable "smtp_test_address". It is unlikely that this would actually be set in the normal course of events, and it's no longer needed as it was replaced with a form submit handler.
smtp_update_7105 ./smtp.install Create table to store selection criterias.
smtp_variable_group_info ./ Implements hook_variable_group_info().
smtp_variable_info ./ Implements hook_variable_info().
theme_smtp_selection_criteria ./ Themes a selection criteria as a logical expression (as shown in the administration page's table). Render array structure: #criteria => The selection criteria (associative array) to be displayed.
theme_smtp_table ./ Themes a table that allows rows and columns to be render arrays. This is used to create a drag and drop table on the administration page. The children of the root element are considered table rows and their children are the table columns.

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