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Functions in SMTP Authentication Support 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
smtp_admin_settings ./smtp.module Administrative settings. 1
smtp_admin_settings_validate ./smtp.module Validation for the administrative settings form.
smtp_drupal_mail_wrapper ./smtp.module Sends out the e-mail. 1
smtp_help ./smtp.module Implementation of hook_help().
smtp_load_library ./smtp.module Load the PHPMailer library. 2
smtp_mail ./smtp.module Implementation of hook_mail().
smtp_mail_send ./smtp.module Send an e-mail. 1
smtp_menu ./smtp.module Implementation of hook_menu().
smtp_perm ./smtp.module Implementation of hook_perm().
smtp_requirements ./smtp.module Check for the required 3rd party libaries
smtp_uninstall ./smtp.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
_smtp_boundary_split ./smtp.module Splits the input into parts based on the given boundary. 1
_smtp_get_substring ./smtp.module Returns a string that is contained within another string. 1
_smtp_remove_headers ./smtp.module Strips the headers from the body part. 1

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