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function sms_send_log in SMS Framework 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 sms.module \sms_send_log()
  2. 6 sms.module \sms_send_log()
  3. 7 sms.module \sms_send_log()
1 string reference to 'sms_send_log'
sms_gateway_info in ./sms.module
Implementation of hook_gateway_info().


./sms.module, line 71
The core of the SMS Framework. Provides gateway managment and API for sending and receiving SMS messages.


function sms_send_log($number, $message, $options) {
  watchdog('sms', t('SMS message sent to %number with the text: @message', array(
    '%number' => $number,
    '@message' => $message,
  return array(
    'status' => TRUE,