class SlickAdmin in Slick Carousel 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 src/Form/SlickAdmin.php \Drupal\slick\Form\SlickAdmin
- 7.3 src/Form/SlickAdmin.php \Drupal\slick\Form\SlickAdmin
Provides resusable admin functions, or form elements.
- class \Drupal\slick\Form\SlickAdmin implements SlickAdminInterface uses StringTranslationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of SlickAdmin
1 file declares its use of SlickAdmin
- SlickAdminUnitTest.php in tests/
src/ Unit/ Form/ SlickAdminUnitTest.php
1 string reference to 'SlickAdmin'
1 service uses SlickAdmin
- src/
Form/ SlickAdmin.php, line 16
Drupal\slick\FormView source
class SlickAdmin implements SlickAdminInterface {
use StringTranslationTrait;
* The blazy admin service.
* @var \Drupal\blazy\Dejavu\BlazyAdminExtended
protected $blazyAdmin;
* The slick manager service.
* @var \Drupal\slick\SlickManagerInterface
protected $manager;
* Constructs a SlickAdmin object.
* @param \Drupal\blazy\Dejavu\BlazyAdminExtended $blazy_admin
* The blazy admin service.
* @param \Drupal\slick\SlickManagerInterface $manager
* The slick manager service.
public function __construct(BlazyAdminExtended $blazy_admin, SlickManagerInterface $manager) {
$this->blazyAdmin = $blazy_admin;
$this->manager = $manager;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
return new static($container
->get('blazy.admin.extended'), $container
* Returns the blazy admin formatter.
public function blazyAdmin() {
return $this->blazyAdmin;
* Returns the slick manager.
public function manager() {
return $this->manager;
* Returns the main form elements.
public function buildSettingsForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
$definition['caches'] = isset($definition['caches']) ? $definition['caches'] : TRUE;
$definition['namespace'] = 'slick';
$definition['optionsets'] = isset($definition['optionsets']) ? $definition['optionsets'] : $this
$definition['skins'] = isset($definition['skins']) ? $definition['skins'] : $this
$definition['responsive_image'] = isset($definition['responsive_image']) ? $definition['responsive_image'] : TRUE;
foreach ([
] as $key) {
if (isset($definition[$key]['default'])) {
$definition[$key] = [
'default' => $definition[$key]['default'],
] + $definition[$key];
if (empty($definition['no_layouts'])) {
$definition['layouts'] = isset($definition['layouts']) ? array_merge($this
->getLayoutOptions(), $definition['layouts']) : $this
->openingForm($form, $definition);
if (!empty($definition['image_style_form']) && !isset($form['image_style'])) {
->imageStyleForm($form, $definition);
if (!empty($definition['media_switch_form']) && !isset($form['media_switch'])) {
->mediaSwitchForm($form, $definition);
if (!empty($definition['grid_form']) && !isset($form['grid'])) {
->gridForm($form, $definition);
if (!empty($definition['fieldable_form']) && !isset($form['image'])) {
->fieldableForm($form, $definition);
if (!empty($definition['breakpoints'])) {
->breakpointsForm($form, $definition);
if (!empty($definition['style']) && isset($form['style']['#description'])) {
$form['style']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
->t('CSS3 Columns is best with adaptiveHeight, non-vertical. Will use regular carousel as default style if left empty. Yet, both CSS3 Columns and Grid Foundation are respected as Grid displays when <strong>Grid large</strong> option is provided.');
->closingForm($form, $definition);
* Returns the opening form elements.
public function openingForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'slick');
$readme = Url::fromUri('base:' . $path . '/')
$readme_field = Url::fromUri('base:' . $path . '/src/Plugin/Field/')
$arrows = $this
$dots = $this
if (!isset($form['optionset'])) {
->openingForm($form, $definition);
$form['optionset']['#title'] = $this
->t('Optionset main');
if ($this
->moduleExists('slick_ui')) {
$route_name = 'entity.slick.collection';
$form['optionset']['#description'] = $this
->t('Manage optionsets at <a href=":url" target="_blank">the optionset admin page</a>.', [
':url' => Url::fromRoute($route_name)
if (!empty($definition['nav']) || !empty($definition['thumbnails'])) {
$form['optionset_thumbnail'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Optionset thumbnail'),
'#options' => $this
'#description' => $this
->t('If provided, asNavFor aka thumbnail navigation applies. Leave empty to not use thumbnail navigation.'),
'#weight' => -108,
$form['skin_thumbnail'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Skin thumbnail'),
'#options' => $this
'#description' => $this
->t('Thumbnail navigation skin. See main <a href="@url" target="_blank">README</a> for details on Skins. Leave empty to not use thumbnail navigation.', [
'@url' => $readme,
'#weight' => -106,
if (count($arrows) > 0) {
$form['skin_arrows'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Skin arrows'),
'#options' => $arrows ?: [],
'#enforced' => TRUE,
'#description' => $this
->t('Implement \\Drupal\\slick\\SlickSkinInterface::arrows() to add your own arrows skins, in the same format as SlickSkinInterface::skins().'),
'#weight' => -105,
if (count($dots) > 0) {
$form['skin_dots'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Skin dots'),
'#options' => $dots ?: [],
'#enforced' => TRUE,
'#description' => $this
->t('Implement \\Drupal\\slick\\SlickSkinInterface::dots() to add your own dots skins, in the same format as SlickSkinInterface::skins().'),
'#weight' => -105,
if (!empty($definition['thumb_positions'])) {
$form['thumbnail_position'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Thumbnail position'),
'#options' => [
'left' => $this
'right' => $this
'top' => $this
'over-left' => $this
->t('Overlay left'),
'over-right' => $this
->t('Overlay right'),
'over-top' => $this
->t('Overlay top'),
'#description' => $this
->t('By default thumbnail is positioned at bottom. Hence to change the position of thumbnail. Only reasonable with 1 visible main stage at a time. Except any TOP, the rest requires Vertical option enabled for Optionset thumbnail, and a custom CSS height to selector <strong>.slick--thumbnail</strong> to avoid overflowing tall thumbnails, or adjust <strong>slidesToShow</strong> to fit the height. Further theming is required as usual. Overlay is absolutely positioned over the stage rather than sharing the space. See skin <strong>X VTabs</strong> for vertical thumbnail sample.'),
'#states' => [
'visible' => [
'select[name*="[optionset_thumbnail]"]' => [
'!value' => '',
'#weight' => -99,
if (!empty($definition['thumb_captions'])) {
$form['thumbnail_caption'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Thumbnail caption'),
'#options' => $definition['thumb_captions'],
'#description' => $this
->t('Thumbnail caption maybe just title/ plain text. If Thumbnail image style is not provided, the thumbnail pagers will be just text like regular tabs.'),
'#states' => [
'visible' => [
'select[name*="[optionset_thumbnail]"]' => [
'!value' => '',
'#weight' => 2,
if (isset($form['skin'])) {
$form['skin']['#title'] = $this
->t('Skin main');
$form['skin']['#description'] = $this
->t('Skins allow various layouts with just CSS. Some options below depend on a skin. However a combination of skins and options may lead to unpredictable layouts, get yourself dirty. E.g.: Skin Split requires any split layout option. Failing to choose the expected layout makes it useless. See <a href=":url" target="_blank">SKINS section at</a> for details on Skins. Leave empty to DIY. Or use hook_slick_skins_info() and implement \\Drupal\\slick\\SlickSkinInterface to register ones.', [
':url' => $readme,
if (isset($form['layout'])) {
$form['layout']['#description'] = $this
->t('Requires a skin. The builtin layouts affects the entire slides uniformly. Split half requires any skin Split. See <a href="@url" target="_blank">README</a> under "Slide layout" for more info. Leave empty to DIY.', [
'@url' => $readme_field,
$weight = -99;
foreach (Element::children($form) as $key) {
if (!isset($form[$key]['#weight'])) {
$form[$key]['#weight'] = ++$weight;
* Returns the image formatter form elements.
public function mediaSwitchForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
->mediaSwitchForm($form, $definition);
if (isset($form['media_switch'])) {
$form['media_switch']['#description'] = $this
->t('Depends on the enabled supported modules, or has known integration with Slick.<ol><li>Link to content: for aggregated small slicks.</li><li>Image to iframe: audio/video is hidden below image until toggled, otherwise iframe is always displayed, and draggable fails. Aspect ratio applies.</li><li>Colorbox.</li><li>Photobox. Be sure to select "Thumbnail style" for the overlay thumbnails.</li><li>Intense: image to fullscreen intense image.</li>');
if (!empty($definition['multimedia']) && isset($definition['fieldable_form'])) {
$form['media_switch']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
->t('<li>Image rendered by its formatter: image-related settings here will be ignored: breakpoints, image style, CSS background, aspect ratio, lazyload, etc. Only choose if needing a special image formatter such as Image Link Formatter.</li>');
$form['media_switch']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
->t('</ol> Try selecting "<strong>- None -</strong>" first before changing if trouble with this complex form states.');
if (isset($form['ratio']['#description'])) {
$form['ratio']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
->t('Required if using media entity to switch between iframe and overlay image, otherwise DIY.');
* Returns the image formatter form elements.
public function imageStyleForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
$definition['thumbnail_style'] = isset($definition['thumbnail_style']) ? $definition['thumbnail_style'] : TRUE;
$definition['ratios'] = isset($definition['ratios']) ? $definition['ratios'] : TRUE;
$definition['thumbnail_effect'] = [
'hover' => $this
'grid' => $this
->t('Static grid'),
if (!isset($form['image_style'])) {
->imageStyleForm($form, $definition);
$form['image_style']['#description'] = $this
->t('The main image style. This will be treated as the fallback image, which is normally smaller, if Breakpoints are provided, and if <strong>Use CSS background</strong> is disabled. Otherwise this is the only image displayed. Ignored by Responsive image option.');
if (isset($form['thumbnail_style'])) {
$form['thumbnail_style']['#description'] = $this
->t('Usages: <ol><li>If <em>Optionset thumbnail</em> provided, it is for asNavFor thumbnail navigation.</li><li>For <em>Thumbnail effect</em>.</li><li>Photobox thumbnail.</li><li>Custom work via the provided data-thumb attributes: arrows with thumbnails, Photoswipe thumbnail, etc.</li></ol>Leave empty to not use thumbnails.');
if (isset($form['thumbnail_effect'])) {
$form['thumbnail_effect']['#description'] = $this
->t('Dependent on a Skin, Dots and Thumbnail style options. No asnavfor/ Optionset thumbnail is needed. <ol><li><strong>Hoverable</strong>: Dots pager are kept, and thumbnail will be hidden and only visible on dot mouseover, default to min-width 120px.</li><li><strong>Static grid</strong>: Dots are hidden, and thumbnails are displayed as a static grid acting like dots pager.</li></ol>Alternative to asNavFor aka separate thumbnails as slider.');
if (isset($form['background'])) {
$form['background']['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
->t('Works best with a single visible slide, skins full width/screen.');
* Returns re-usable fieldable formatter form elements.
public function fieldableForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
->fieldableForm($form, $definition);
if (isset($form['thumbnail'])) {
$form['thumbnail']['#description'] = $this
->t("Only needed if <em>Optionset thumbnail</em> is provided. Maybe the same field as the main image, only different instance and image style. Leave empty to not use thumbnail pager.");
if (isset($form['overlay'])) {
$form['overlay']['#title'] = $this
->t('Overlay media/slicks');
$form['overlay']['#description'] = $this
->t('For audio/video, be sure the display is not image. For nested slicks, use the Slick carousel formatter for this field. Zebra layout is reasonable for overlay and captions.');
* Returns re-usable grid elements across Slick field formatter and Views.
public function gridForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
if (!isset($form['grid'])) {
->gridForm($form, $definition);
$header = $this
->t('Group individual item as block grid?<small>An older alternative to core <strong>Rows</strong> option. Only works if the total items > <strong>Visible slides</strong>. <br />block grid != slidesToShow option, yet both can work in tandem.<br />block grid = Rows option, yet the first is module feature, the later core.</small>');
$form['grid_header']['#markup'] = '<h3 class="form__title form__title--grid">' . $header . '</h3>';
$form['grid']['#description'] = $this
->t('The amount of block grid columns for large monitors 64.063em - 90em. <br /><strong>Requires</strong>:<ol><li>Visible items,</li><li>Skin Grid for starter,</li><li>A reasonable amount of contents,</li><li>Optionset with Rows and slidesPerRow = 1.</li></ol>This is module feature, older than core Rows, and offers more flexibility. Leave empty to DIY, or to not build grids.');
* Returns the closing ending form elements.
public function closingForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
$form['override'] = [
'#title' => $this
->t('Override main optionset'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#description' => $this
->t('If checked, the following options will override the main optionset. Useful to re-use one optionset for several different displays.'),
'#weight' => 112,
'#enforced' => TRUE,
$form['overridables'] = [
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => $this
->t('Overridable options'),
'#description' => $this
->t("Override the main optionset to re-use one. Anything dictated here will override the current main optionset. Unchecked means FALSE"),
'#options' => $this
'#weight' => 113,
'#enforced' => TRUE,
'#states' => [
'visible' => [
':input[name$="[override]"]' => [
'checked' => TRUE,
->closingForm($form, $definition);
* Returns overridable options to re-use one optionset.
public function getOverridableOptions() {
$options = [
'arrows' => $this
'autoplay' => $this
'dots' => $this
'draggable' => $this
'infinite' => $this
'mouseWheel' => $this
'randomize' => $this
'variableWidth' => $this
->t('Variable width'),
->alter('slick_overridable_options_info', $options);
return $options;
* Returns default layout options for the core Image, or Views.
public function getLayoutOptions() {
return [
'bottom' => $this
->t('Caption bottom'),
'top' => $this
->t('Caption top'),
'right' => $this
->t('Caption right'),
'left' => $this
->t('Caption left'),
'center' => $this
->t('Caption center'),
'center-top' => $this
->t('Caption center top'),
'below' => $this
->t('Caption below the slide'),
'stage-right' => $this
->t('Caption left, stage right'),
'stage-left' => $this
->t('Caption right, stage left'),
'split-right' => $this
->t('Caption left, stage right, split half'),
'split-left' => $this
->t('Caption right, stage left, split half'),
'stage-zebra' => $this
->t('Stage zebra'),
'split-zebra' => $this
->t('Split half zebra'),
* Returns available slick optionsets by group.
public function getOptionsetsByGroupOptions($group = '') {
$optionsets = $groups = $ungroups = [];
$slicks = $this->manager
foreach ($slicks as $slick) {
$name = Html::escape($slick
$id = $slick
$current_group = $slick
if (!empty($group)) {
if ($current_group) {
if ($current_group != $group) {
$groups[$id] = $name;
else {
$ungroups[$id] = $name;
$optionsets[$id] = $name;
return $group ? array_merge($ungroups, $groups) : $optionsets;
* Returns available slick skins for select options.
public function getSkinsByGroupOptions($group = '') {
return $this->manager
->getSkinsByGroup($group, TRUE);
* Return the field formatter settings summary.
* @deprecated: Removed for self::getSettingsSummary().
public function settingsSummary($plugin, $definition = []) {
return $this->blazyAdmin
->settingsSummary($plugin, $definition);
* Return the field formatter settings summary.
* @todo: Remove second param $plugin for post-release for Blazy RC2+.
public function getSettingsSummary($definition = [], $plugin = NULL) {
// @todo: Remove condition for Blazy RC2+.
if (!method_exists($this->blazyAdmin, 'getSettingsSummary')) {
return $this->blazyAdmin
->settingsSummary($plugin, $definition);
return $this->blazyAdmin
* Returns available fields for select options.
public function getFieldOptions($target_bundles = [], $allowed_field_types = [], $entity_type_id = 'media', $target_type = '') {
return $this->blazyAdmin
->getFieldOptions($target_bundles, $allowed_field_types, $entity_type_id, $target_type);
* Returns re-usable logic, styling and assets across fields and Views.
public function finalizeForm(array &$form, $definition = []) {
->finalizeForm($form, $definition);
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
SlickAdmin:: |
protected | property | The blazy admin service. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
protected | property | The slick manager service. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the blazy admin formatter. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the main form elements. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the closing ending form elements. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public static | function | ||
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns re-usable fieldable formatter form elements. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns re-usable logic, styling and assets across fields and Views. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns available fields for select options. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns default layout options for the core Image, or Views. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns available slick optionsets by group. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns overridable options to re-use one optionset. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Return the field formatter settings summary. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns available slick skins for select options. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns re-usable grid elements across Slick field formatter and Views. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the image formatter form elements. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the slick manager. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the image formatter form elements. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Returns the opening form elements. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Return the field formatter settings summary. | |
SlickAdmin:: |
public | function | Constructs a SlickAdmin object. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. |