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function main in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php \main()

The entry point into the script.

Determines whether there are theme files, and request them from the Site Factory if needed.


string $argv: The command line arguments.

int $argc: The number of command line arguments.


acsf_init/lib/cloud_hooks/common/pre-web-activate/000-acquia-deployment.php, line 49
This script is responsible for deploying theme files on each webnode.


function main($argv, $argc) {
  if ($argc < 3) {
    printf("Must provide the sitegroup name and environment name.\n");
  $site = $argv[1];
  $env = $argv[2];
  $registry_path = get_registry_file($site, $env);
  if (!file_exists($registry_path)) {
    printf("This doesn't look like an ACSF environment. Will not update ACSF themes.\n");
  $verbose = FALSE;
  if (in_array('-v', $argv) || in_array('--verbose', $argv)) {
    $verbose = TRUE;
  $force = FALSE;
  if (in_array('-f', $argv) || in_array('--force', $argv)) {
    $force = TRUE;
  $deployed = has_theme_files($site, $env);
  if ($force || !$deployed) {
    $webnode = gethostname();
    if ($verbose) {
      if (!$deployed) {
        printf("Theme files have not been deployed on %s for %s.%s\n", $webnode, $site, $env);
      else {
        printf("Forcing theme deployment on %s for %s.%s\n", $webnode, $site, $env);

    // Assume we will fail until proven otherwise.
    $success = FALSE;

    // Send Site Factory request.
    $attempts = $max_attempts = 6;
    do {
      $response = request_theme_files($site, $env, $webnode);
      if ($verbose) {
        printf("Sent request to the Site Factory for themes: %s\n", print_r($response, TRUE));

      // Poll waiting for theme deployment.
      if ($response->code == 200) {
        $task_id = $response->body['task_id'];
        if ($task_id == 'NA') {
          printf("VCS theming is not configured for %s.%s\n", $site, $env);

        // Wait here until the themes are deployed.
        do {
          $task_info = get_wip_task_status($site, $env, $task_id);
          $task = $task_info->body['wip_task'];
          if ($verbose) {
            printf("Wip task status: %s\n", print_r($task, TRUE));
        } while ($task['status'] < WIP_STATUS_COMPLETED);

        // Note: STATUS_WARNING is 144, which has the 16 (STATUS_COMPLETED) bit
        // set, so checking against 16 will be true for both completed, and
        // warning.
        if ($task['status'] & WIP_STATUS_COMPLETED) {
          $success = TRUE;
      sleep(10 * ($max_attempts - $attempts));
    } while ($attempts-- > 0);
    if (!$success) {

      // Failed to deploy the theme files.
      printf("Failed to deploy theme files to %s for %s.%s\n", $webnode, $site, $env);