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49 calls to DrupalWebTestCase::drupalGet() in SimpleTest 7

ActionLoopTestCase::triggerActions in tests/actions.test
Create an infinite loop by causing a watchdog message to be set, which causes the actions to be triggered again, up to default of 35 times.
ActionsConfigurationTestCase::testActionConfiguration in tests/actions.test
Test the configuration of advanced actions through the administration interface.
AJAXTestCase::drupalGetAJAX in tests/ajax.test
BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testConditionalRequests in tests/bootstrap.test
Test support for requests containing If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match headers.
BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCache in tests/bootstrap.test
Test cache headers.
BootstrapVariableTestCase::testVariable in tests/bootstrap.test
CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderInlineFullPage in tests/common.test
Tests rendering inline stylesheets through a full page request.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testEvenPagerQuery in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a pager query returns the correct results.
DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testOddPagerQuery in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a pager query returns the correct results.
DatabaseSelectTableSortDefaultTestCase::testTableSortQuery in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that a tablesort query returns the correct results.
DatabaseSelectTableSortDefaultTestCase::testTableSortQueryFirst in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that if a tablesort's orderByHeader is called before another orderBy, that the header happens first.
DatabaseTemporaryQueryTestCase::testTemporaryQuery in tests/database_test.test
Confirm that temporary tables work and are limited to one request.
DrupalErrorCollectionUnitTest::testErrorCollect in tests/common.test
Test that simpletest collects errors from the tested site.
DrupalErrorHandlerUnitTest::testErrorHandler in tests/error.test
Test the error handler.
DrupalErrorHandlerUnitTest::testExceptionHandler in tests/error.test
Test the exception handler.
DrupalGotoTest::testDrupalGoto in tests/common.test
Test setting and retrieving content for theme regions.
DrupalGotoTest::testDrupalGotoAlter in tests/common.test
Test setting and retrieving content for theme regions.
DrupalHTTPRequestTestCase::testDrupalGetDestination in tests/common.test
DrupalWebTestCase::checkForMetaRefresh in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Check for meta refresh tag and if found call drupalGet() recursively. This function looks for the http-equiv attribute to be set to "Refresh" and is case-sensitive.
DrupalWebTestCase::clickLink in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Follows a link by name.
DrupalWebTestCase::cronRun in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Runs cron in the Drupal installed by Simpletest.
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalLogout in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
DrupalWebTestCase::drupalPost in ./drupal_web_test_case.php
Execute a POST request on a Drupal page. It will be done as usual POST request with SimpleBrowser.
FormAPITestCase::testDrupalFormSubmitInBatch in tests/form.test
Check that we can run drupal_form_submit during a batch.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testAdvancedSelect in tests/form.test
Test the #js_select property.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testEmptyText in tests/form.test
Test the display of the #empty text when #options is an empty array.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testMultipleFalse in tests/form.test
Test the display of radios when #multiple is FALSE.
FormsElementsTableSelectFunctionalTest::testMultipleTrue in tests/form.test
Test the display of checkboxes when #multiple is TRUE.
FormsFormWrapperTestCase::testWrapperCallback in tests/form.test
Tests using the form in a usual way.
HookBootExitTestCase::testHookBootExit in tests/bootstrap.test
Test calling of hook_boot() and hook_exit().
LockFunctionalTest::testLockAcquire in tests/lock.test
Confirm that we can acquire and release locks in two parallel requests.
MenuIncTestCase::testMenuLinkMaintain in tests/menu.test
Tests for menu_link_maintain().
MenuIncTestCase::testThemeCallbackAdministrative in tests/menu.test
Test the theme callback when it is set to use an administrative theme.
MenuIncTestCase::testThemeCallbackFakeTheme in tests/menu.test
Test the theme callback when it is set to use a theme that does not exist.
MenuIncTestCase::testThemeCallbackInheritance in tests/menu.test
Test that the theme callback is properly inherited.
MenuIncTestCase::testThemeCallbackMaintenanceMode in tests/menu.test
Test the theme callback when the site is in maintenance mode.
MenuIncTestCase::testThemeCallbackNoThemeRequested in tests/menu.test
Test the theme callback when no theme is requested.
MenuIncTestCase::testThemeCallbackOptionalTheme in tests/menu.test
Test the theme callback when it is set to use an optional theme.
MenuIncTestCase::testTitleCallbackFalse in tests/menu.test
Test title callback set to FALSE.
MenuRebuildTestCase::testMenuRebuildByVariable in tests/menu.test
Test if the 'menu_rebuild_needed' variable triggers a menu_rebuild() call.
ModuleUnitTest::testModuleImplements in tests/module.test
Test module_implements() caching.
SessionHttpsTestCase::testHttpsSession in tests/session.test
SessionTestCase::sessionReset in tests/session.test
Reset the cookie file so that it refers to the specified user.
SessionTestCase::testDataPersistence in tests/session.test
Test data persistence via the session_test module callbacks. Also tests drupal_session_count() since session data is already generated here.
SessionTestCase::testEmptyAnonymousSession in tests/session.test
Test that empty anonymous sessions are destroyed.
SessionTestCase::testSessionSaveRegenerate in tests/session.test
Tests for drupal_save_session() and drupal_session_regenerate().
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testInternalBrowser in ./simpletest.test
Test the internal browsers functionality.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::testWebTestRunner in ./simpletest.test
Make sure that tests selected through the web interface are run and that the results are displayed correctly.
SimpleTestURLTestCase::testGetAbsoluteUrl in ./simpletest.test
Test DrupalWebTestCase::getAbsoluteUrl().