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function SessionTestCase::sessionReset in SimpleTest 7

Reset the cookie file so that it refers to the specified user.


$uid User id to set as the active session.:

2 calls to SessionTestCase::sessionReset()
SessionTestCase::testDataPersistence in tests/session.test
Test data persistence via the session_test module callbacks. Also tests drupal_session_count() since session data is already generated here.
SessionTestCase::testSessionSaveRegenerate in tests/session.test
Tests for drupal_save_session() and drupal_session_regenerate().


tests/session.test, line 215
Provides SimpleTests for core session handling functionality.


@file Provides SimpleTests for core session handling functionality.


function sessionReset($uid = 0) {

  // Close the internal browser.
  $this->loggedInUser = FALSE;

  // Change cookie file for user.
  $this->cookieFile = file_directory_path('temporary') . '/cookie.' . $uid . '.txt';
  $this->additionalCurlOptions[CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE] = $this->cookieFile;
  $this->additionalCurlOptions[CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION] = TRUE;
    ->assertResponse(200, t('Session test module is correctly enabled.'), t('Session'));