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function DatabaseSelectPagerDefaultTestCase::testEvenPagerQuery in SimpleTest 7

Confirm that a pager query returns the correct results.

Note that we have to make an HTTP request to a test page handler because the pager depends on GET parameters.


tests/database_test.test, line 1869




function testEvenPagerQuery() {

  // To keep the test from being too brittle, we determine up front
  // what the page count should be dynamically, and pass the control
  // information forward to the actual query on the other side of the
  // HTTP request.
  $limit = 2;
  $count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {test}')
  $correct_number = $limit;
  $num_pages = floor($count / $limit);

  // If there is no remainder from rounding, subtract 1 since we index from 0.
  if (!($num_pages * $limit < $count)) {
  for ($page = 0; $page <= $num_pages; ++$page) {
      ->drupalGet('database_test/pager_query_even/' . $limit, array(
      'query' => array(
        'page' => $page,
    $data = json_decode($this
    if ($page == $num_pages) {
      $correct_number = $count - $limit * $page;
      ->assertEqual(count($data->names), $correct_number, t('Correct number of records returned by pager: @number', array(
      '@number' => $correct_number,