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Files in Simplenews 6.2

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG for Simplenews for Drupal 6 Simplenews 2.0 (Jan 01, 2011) Maintainer: Miro Dietiker, Co-Maintainer: Simon Georges Bug fixes: o #1010684 by miro_dietiker: Support Elysia Cron hook_cronapi o #362044 by 1st-angel, Sutharsan: support…
README.txt README.txt DESCRIPTION ----------- Simplenews publishes and sends newsletters to lists of subscribers. Both anonymous and authenticated users can opt-in to different mailing lists. HTML email can be sent by adding Mime mail module. REQUIREMENTS ------------ …
simplenews-block.tpl.php theme/simplenews-block.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the simplenews block.
simplenews-multi-block.tpl.php theme/simplenews-multi-block.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the simplenews block.
simplenews-newsletter-body.tpl.php theme/simplenews-newsletter-body.tpl.php Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter body.
simplenews-newsletter-footer.tpl.php theme/simplenews-newsletter-footer.tpl.php Default theme implementation to format the simplenews newsletter footer.
simplenews-status.tpl.php theme/simplenews-status.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the simplenews newsletter status. includes/ Newsletter admin, subscription admin, simplenews settings
simplenews.css simplenews.css .simplenews-subscription-filter .form-item { clear: both; line-height: 1.75em; margin: 0pt 1em 0pt 0pt; } .simplenews-subscription-filter .form-item label { float: left; width: 12em; } .simplenews-subscription-filter .spacer { … name = Simplenews description = Send newsletters to subscribed email addresses. dependencies[] = taxonomy dependencies[] = token package = Mail core = 6.x
simplenews.install simplenews.install Simplenews installation. includes/ Simplenews email send and spool handling
simplenews.module simplenews.module Simplenews node handling, sent email, newsletter block and general hooks includes/ (Un)subscription and (un)subscription confirmation
simplenews.test tests/simplenews.test Simplenews test functions. includes/views/ Views interface for simplenews. simplenews_action/ name = Simplenews action description = Provide actions for Simplenews. dependencies[] = simplenews dependencies[] = trigger package = Mail core = 6.x
simplenews_action.module simplenews_action/simplenews_action.module Provide actions for simplenews. includes/views/ Views field handler for simplenews newsletter priority. includes/views/ Views handler for simplenews sent status. includes/views/ Views field handler for simplenews subscription status. includes/views/ Views filter handler for simplenews newsletter priorities includes/views/ Views filter for simplenews sent status. includes/views/ Views filter handler for simplenews subscription status

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