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simplenews-multi-block.tpl.php in Simplenews 6.2

Default theme implementation to display the simplenews block.

Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed block.

Available variables:

  • $user: the current user is authenticated
  • $message: announcement message (Default: 'Stay informed on our latest news!')
  • $form: newsletter subscription form


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 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display the simplenews block.
 * Copy this file in your theme directory to create a custom themed block.
 * Available variables:
 * - $user: the current user is authenticated
 * - $message: announcement message (Default: 'Stay informed on our latest news!')
 * - $form: newsletter subscription form
 * @see template_preprocess_simplenews_multi_block()


if ($message) {

  print $message;



print $form;