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Functions in Simple FB Connect 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_simple_fb_connect_login ./simple_fb_connect.api.php This hook allows other modules to act on Facebook login.
hook_simple_fb_connect_redirect_url ./simple_fb_connect.api.php This hook allows other modules to modify the post login URL.
hook_simple_fb_connect_register_alter Deprecated ./simple_fb_connect.api.php This hook allows other modules to change $fields array before new user is created.
hook_simple_fb_connect_registration ./simple_fb_connect.api.php This hook allows other modules to act on user creation via Facebook login.
hook_simple_fb_connect_scope_info ./simple_fb_connect.api.php This hook allows other modules to add permissions to $scope array.
simple_fb_connect_api_keys_settings ./ Module settings form. 1
simple_fb_connect_api_keys_settings_validate ./ Validates module settings form.
simple_fb_connect_check_permission ./simple_fb_connect.module Makes an API call to check if user has granted given permission. 1
simple_fb_connect_create_user ./simple_fb_connect.module Creates a new user account for a Facebook user. 1
simple_fb_connect_destroy_session ./simple_fb_connect.module Destroys the session if user was not logged in. 1
simple_fb_connect_drupal_goto_alter ./simple_fb_connect.module Implemets hook_drupal_goto_alter().
simple_fb_connect_enable ./simple_fb_connect.install Implements hook_enable().
simple_fb_connect_get_api_version ./simple_fb_connect.module Returns Facebook API version from module settings. 5
simple_fb_connect_get_email ./simple_fb_connect.module Returns user's email address from Facebook profile. 1
simple_fb_connect_get_fb_profile ./simple_fb_connect.module Makes an API call to get user's Facebook profile. 1
simple_fb_connect_get_fb_profile_pic ./simple_fb_connect.module Makes an API call to get user's Facebook profile picture. 1
simple_fb_connect_get_post_login_url ./simple_fb_connect.module Returns the path were user should be redirected after a successful FB login. 1
simple_fb_connect_get_return_url ./simple_fb_connect.module Creates the return URL that works with and without clean URLs. 2
simple_fb_connect_get_scope ./simple_fb_connect.module Returns an array of Facebook permissions that will be requested from the user. 1
simple_fb_connect_get_session ./simple_fb_connect.module Loads the user's access token from $_SESSION and validates it. 4
simple_fb_connect_go_to_redirect_url ./simple_fb_connect.module Redirects user after Facebook login to the desired Drupal path. 1
simple_fb_connect_initialize ./simple_fb_connect.module Initializes the FB App. 3
simple_fb_connect_libraries_info ./simple_fb_connect.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
simple_fb_connect_login_disabled_by_role ./simple_fb_connect.module Checks if the user has one of the "FB login disabled" roles. 1
simple_fb_connect_login_disabled_for_admin ./simple_fb_connect.module Checks if the admin FB login is disabled. 1
simple_fb_connect_login_user ./simple_fb_connect.module Logs the given user in. 1
simple_fb_connect_menu ./simple_fb_connect.module Implements hook_menu().
simple_fb_connect_permission ./simple_fb_connect.module Implements hook_permission().
simple_fb_connect_redirect_to_fb ./simple_fb_connect.module Page callback for /user/simple-fb-connect. 1
simple_fb_connect_requirements ./simple_fb_connect.install Implements hook_requirements().
simple_fb_connect_return_from_fb ./simple_fb_connect.module Page callback for /user/simple-fb-connect/return. 1
simple_fb_connect_rules_condition_info ./ Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
simple_fb_connect_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
simple_fb_connect_save_post_login_url ./simple_fb_connect.module Saves post login URL to $_SESSION if it was explicitly defined. 1
simple_fb_connect_save_session ./simple_fb_connect.module Checks that we have a valid FB session after Facebook has returned the user back to our site. User's access token is saved to $_SESSION. 1
simple_fb_connect_uninstall ./simple_fb_connect.install Implements hook_uninstall().
simple_fb_connect_unique_user_name ./simple_fb_connect.module Generates a unique username for Drupal site based on FB username. 1
simple_fb_connect_update_7001 ./simple_fb_connect.install Updates disabled roles setting to use label as identifier rather than role id.
simple_fb_connect_update_7201 ./simple_fb_connect.install Sets Facebook API version to v2.3 in module settings.
simple_fb_connect_user_has_facebook_session ./ Rule condition: Check if user has a valid Facebook session.
simple_fb_connect_user_logout ./simple_fb_connect.module Implemets hook_user_logout().

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