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Functions in Simple FB Connect 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
facebook_client ./simple_fb_connect.module Get the facebook client object for easy access. 1
hook_simple_fb_connect_register_alter ./simple_fb_connect.api.php Allow modules to play with the information received from the FB profile like mapping it to fields in user profile.
hook_simple_fb_scope_info ./simple_fb_connect.api.php Allows to change the permissions requested by the module
simple_fb_connect_api_keys_settings ./ @file Administration page callbacks for the simple fb connect module. 1
simple_fb_connect_facebook_client_load_include ./simple_fb_connect.module Locates and loads the Facebook PHP SDK library. 2
simple_fb_connect_libraries_info ./simple_fb_connect.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
simple_fb_connect_login ./simple_fb_connect.module Page callback for the FB Connect URL. 1
simple_fb_connect_menu ./simple_fb_connect.module Implements hook_menu().
simple_fb_connect_permission ./simple_fb_connect.module Implements hook_permission().
simple_fb_connect_requirements ./simple_fb_connect.install Implements hook_requirements().
simple_fb_connect_uninstall ./simple_fb_connect.install Implements hook_uninstall().
simple_fb_connect_unique_user_name ./simple_fb_connect.module Generates a unique username for drupal site based on fb username. 1

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