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Functions in Shibboleth Authentication 6.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
access_shib_login ./shib_auth.module Dummy access argument function 1
shib_auth_account_link ./ This function manages account linking 1
shib_auth_admin_advanced ./ Generate the administration form of the Shibboleth authentication module @returns HTML text of the administration form 1
shib_auth_admin_general ./ @file Drupal forms of the Shibboleth authentication module. 1
shib_auth_assignroles ./shib_auth.module The admin can define authorization rules based on the server variables (possibly provided by Shibboleth IdP) to give roles to users. The rules can be defined as a [server field - Regexp - role(s)] triplet 1
shib_auth_block ./shib_auth.module Generate the HTML text for the shib_auth login block
shib_auth_cancel_custom ./shib_auth.module Cancel button is pressed, redirect user to shib logout, and then to the page he came from / loginurl 1
shib_auth_check_identifier ./shib_auth.module Check user identifier 1
shib_auth_config ./shib_auth.module Configuration handler 20
shib_auth_consent_update ./shib_auth.module This function updates the accepted consent version number of the user to the current one 1
shib_auth_custom_data ./ Generate the custom e-mail and username provider form @returns HTML text of the custom data form 3
shib_auth_custom_data_validate ./ Form validator - require to fill all of the fields
shib_auth_custom_form ./shib_auth.module If any customization or consent option is enabled, the custom form will show up before registering and forces the user to accept user consent and define username and/or e-mail address (prefilling fields with the data coming from the… 1
shib_auth_custom_mail ./shib_auth.module User Data Customization function - MAIL This function handles the mail customization process @uname the username got from IdP @custom_uname the customized username @custom_mail the costumized e-mail address 1
shib_auth_custom_username ./shib_auth.module User Data Customization function - USERNAME This function handles the username customization process @uname the username got from IdP @custom_uname the customized username @umail_single the e-mail address received from IdP 2
shib_auth_debug ./shib_auth.module Function to determine whether the called page is in the debug path print_r-s $_SERVER if yes 1
shib_auth_edit_form ./ Generate the shibboleth rule adding form 2
shib_auth_edit_rule ./ Edits a rule by calling universal create/edit form 1
shib_auth_edit_rule_submit ./ Edits a rule, containing he rule name, the server attrubite, the RegExp, and the role names by calling save rule
shib_auth_edit_rule_validate ./ Validates rule edit
shib_auth_error ./shib_auth.module Errors out Example usage: if (something_bad_happens()) return shib_auth_error("Something bad happened"); EXCEPTION WORKAROUND for php4 8
shib_auth_footer ./shib_auth.module This footer part executes isPassive script, if the option was checked on the configuration page
shib_auth_form_alter ./shib_auth.module Alters user_login form for the shibboleth authentication module.
shib_auth_generate_login_url ./shib_auth.module Generates shibboleth login url based on configuration 3
shib_auth_generate_rolenames ./shib_auth.module This function gets the username 3
shib_auth_get_handler_base ./shib_auth.module Get Shibboleth handler base as an absolute URI (such as 1
shib_auth_get_idp ./shib_auth.module Get IdP name 2
shib_auth_get_redirect_base ./shib_auth.module 3
shib_auth_get_rolename ./shib_auth.module This function gets the username 2
shib_auth_goto_custom_form ./shib_auth.module User Data Customization function - Redirect user to the custom form This function redirects user to the custom data form, remembering the url, she wanted to visit before registering or a specific login url, if it is set 1
shib_auth_help ./shib_auth.module Display help and module information
shib_auth_init ./shib_auth.module Create a new user based on informations from the Shibboleth handler if it's necessary or log in.
shib_auth_install ./shib_auth.install Implementation of hook_install().
shib_auth_load_from_authmap ./shib_auth.module Load an authmap user object from shib_authmap 1
shib_auth_login ./ This function prevents drupal loading a cached page after shibboleth login 1
shib_auth_menu ./shib_auth.module Generate the menu element to access the Shibboleth authentication module's administration page @returns HTML text of the administer menu element
shib_auth_new_rule ./ Creates a new rule by calling universal create/edit form 1
shib_auth_new_rule_submit ./ Creates a new rule, containing he rule name, the server attrubite, the RegExp, and the role names by calling save rule
shib_auth_new_rule_validate ./ Validates a new rule
shib_auth_perm ./shib_auth.module Valid permissions for this module
shib_auth_process_rule ./shib_auth.module This function processes role assignment rules The function matches rule regular expressions with defined server variables If there is a match, it assigns roles to the user logged in @rule the id of the rule currently processed 1
shib_auth_redirect ./shib_auth.module Redirects user to the handler url, and handles return option 2
shib_auth_role_assignment ./shib_auth.module Assign roles to the user's session 1
shib_auth_save_authmap ./shib_auth.module Saves an entry into shib_authmap and also saves mail if changed A row in the authmap contains the drupal user id, the targeted id from Shibboleth, the IdP name, the date the user was created, and user consent version number. @uname the username got… 4
shib_auth_save_mail ./shib_auth.module Unfortunately if we called user_save() on updating email, we would possibly lose profile fields, so we are forced to hack with the {users} table 2
shib_auth_save_roles ./shib_auth.module Unfortunately if we called user_save() on updating roles, we would possibly lose profile fields. Therefore we hack with the {users_roles} table 1
shib_auth_save_rule ./ Saves a new rule into database 2
shib_auth_schema ./shib_auth.install Implementation of hook_schema(). 1
shib_auth_session_check ./shib_auth.module This function would destroy the session if 1
shib_auth_session_isShib2x ./shib_auth.module


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