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Functions in Shibboleth Authentication 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
access_shib_login ./shib_auth.module Dummy access argument function 1
generate_login_text ./shib_auth.module Generate the login text in HTML format using the 't' function @returns HTML text of the login form 2
shib_auth_admin ./shib_auth.module Generate the administration form of the Shibboleth authentication module @returns HTML text of the administration form 1
shib_auth_admin_groups_submit ./shib_auth.module Admin users group membership submit
shib_auth_admin_groups_validate ./shib_auth.module Admin users group membership validate
shib_auth_block ./shib_auth.module Generate the HTML text for the shib_auth login block
shib_auth_custom_email ./shib_auth.module Generate the custom e-mail provider form @returns HTML text of the custom e-mail form 2
shib_auth_custom_email_validate ./shib_auth.module E-mail validator
shib_auth_edit_form ./shib_auth.module Generate the shibboleth rule adding form 2
shib_auth_edit_rule ./shib_auth.module Edits an existing rule, containing he rule name, the server attrubite, the RegExp, and the role names 2
shib_auth_form_alter ./shib_auth.module Alters user_login form for the shibboleth authentication module.
shib_auth_help ./shib_auth.module Display help and module information
shib_auth_init ./shib_auth.module Create a new user based on informations from the Shibboleth handler if it's necessary or log in.
shib_auth_install ./shib_auth.install Implementation of hook_install().
shib_auth_isDebug ./shib_auth.module 1
shib_auth_menu ./shib_auth.module Generate the menu element to access the Shibboleth authentication module's administration page @returns HTML text of the administer menu element
shib_auth_new_rule ./shib_auth.module Saves a new rule, containing he rule name, the server attrubite, the RegExp, and the role names 2
shib_auth_perm ./shib_auth.module Valid permissions for this module
shib_auth_schema ./shib_auth.install Implementation of hook_schema().
shib_auth_uninstall ./shib_auth.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
shib_auth_update_6000 ./shib_auth.install Implementation of the hook_n_update().
shib_auth_user ./shib_auth.module Let the user exit from the Shibboleth authority when he/she log out from the actual Drupal site.
shib_login ./shib_auth.module This function prevents drupal loading a cached page after shibboleth login 1
_shib_auth_clone_rule ./shib_auth.module This function enables the administrator to clone an existing rule, this is useful, when we want to create a rule, which is simiral to another one 1
_shib_auth_delete_rule ./shib_auth.module This function lets the admin to delete an existing rule 1
_shib_auth_list_rules ./shib_auth.module This function lists all rules, and let the admin to do certain actions with them @returns HTML table containing the attribute, RegExp, role and the actions, which can be done with each role 1

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