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public function SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession in Session Limit 2.x

Same name in this branch
  1. 2.x tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession()
  2. 2.x tests/SessionLimitBaseTestCase.php \Drupal\session_limit\SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession()
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession()
  2. 6.2 tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession()
  3. 7.2 tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession()

Initialise a new unique session.

Return value

string Unique identifier for the session just stored. It is the cookiefile name.

4 calls to SessionLimitBaseTestCase::stashSession()
SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout in tests/session_limit.test
Test that an individual user can have up to a specifed number of sessions.
SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionPrevent in tests/session_limit.test
Test that new sessions cannot be created past a maximum.
SessionLimitBaseTestCase::restoreSession in tests/session_limit.test
Restore a previously stashed session.
SessionLimitSessionTestCase::testSessionStashAndRestore in tests/session_limit.test
Test session stash and restore.


tests/session_limit.test, line 194
Simpletest tests for session_limit.


Base test for session limits.


public function stashSession() {
  if (empty($this->cookieFile)) {

    // No session to stash.

  // The session_id is the current cookieFile.
  $session_id = $this->cookieFile;
  $this->curlHandles[$session_id] = $this->curlHandle;
  $this->loggedInUsers[$session_id] = $this->loggedInUser;

  // Reset Curl.
  $this->loggedInUser = FALSE;

  // Set a new unique cookie filename.
  do {
    $this->cookieFile = $this->public_files_directory . '/' . $this
      ->randomName() . '.jar';
  } while (isset($this->curlHandles[$this->cookieFile]));
  return $session_id;