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public function SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout in Session Limit 2.x

Same name in this branch
  1. 2.x tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout()
  2. 2.x tests/SessionLimitBaseTestCase.php \Drupal\session_limit\SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout()
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout()
  2. 6.2 tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout()
  3. 7.2 tests/session_limit.test \SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout()

Test that an individual user can have up to a specifed number of sessions.

Once the maximum is reached, the oldest session is logged out.


int $session_limit: The max number of sessions the specified user should be able to access.

stdClass $user: (optional) The user to test this with. Leave blank to create a user.

5 calls to SessionLimitBaseTestCase::assertSessionLogout()
SessionLimitLogoutTestCase::testSessionLimitRoles in tests/session_limit.test
Checks that the session limit is returned correctly by a role.
SessionLimitLogoutTestCase::testSessionLimitUser in tests/session_limit.test
Checks that the session limit is returned correctly by a user override.
SessionLimitLogoutTestCase::testSessionLimitUserMaxPrecedence in tests/session_limit.test
Check that user override takes precedence over default and role regardless of max.
SessionLimitLogoutTestCase::testSessionLogoutOnMax1 in tests/session_limit.test
Test user can only have 1 session, logout oldest.
SessionLimitLogoutTestCase::testSessionLogoutOnMax2 in tests/session_limit.test
Test user can only have 2 sessions, logout oldest.


tests/session_limit.test, line 63
Simpletest tests for session_limit.


Base test for session limits.


public function assertSessionLogout($session_limit, stdClass $user = NULL) {

  // Set the session limit behaviour to log out of old sessions.
    ->set('session_limit_behaviour', 1)
    ->set('session_limit_logged_out_message', 'Reached limit @number.')

  // Create the user to test with.
  $user = empty($user) ? $this
    'access content',
  )) : $user;
  $sessions = array();
  for ($session_number = 1; $session_number <= $session_limit; $session_number++) {

    // Log user into each session.
      ->assertText(t('Log out'), t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
      '@no' => $session_number,
      ->assertText($user->name, t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
      '@no' => $session_number,

    // Backup session.
    $sessions[$session_number] = $this

    // Wait briefly to prevent race conditions.

  // Check all allowed sessions are currently accessible.
  foreach ($sessions as $session_number => $session_id) {
      ->assertText(t('Log out'), t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
      '@no' => $session_number,
      ->assertText($user->name, t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
      '@no' => $session_number,

  // Create a further session.
  $extra_session_number = $session_limit + 1;
    ->assertText(t('Log out'), t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
    '@no' => $extra_session_number,
    ->assertText($user->name, t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
    '@no' => $extra_session_number,

  // Check user 1 is no longer logged in on session 1.
  $sessions[$extra_session_number] = $this
    ->assertNoText(t('Log out'), t('User 1 is not logged in under session 1.'));
    ->assertText(t('Reached limit @number.', array(
    '@number' => $session_limit,
  )), t('User was shown session limit message.'));

  // Check user 1 is logged in on all other sessions.
  foreach ($sessions as $session_number => $session_id) {
    if ($session_number == 1) {

      // We know they have been logged out of session 1.
      ->assertText(t('Log out'), t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
      '@no' => $session_number,
      ->assertText($user->name, t('User is logged in under session @no.', array(
      '@no' => $session_number,