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function services_client_get_existing_hooks in Services Client 7

Get one or all custom overridden pages.


$hook_id: The name of the task.

2 calls to services_client_get_existing_hooks()
services_client_data_process in ./services_client.module
This function takes inbound data objects and a type and determines if there are tasks for them. If there are, it checks conditions and then generates connections and organizes the data to pass to the calling functions
services_client_error_retry in services_client_error/services_client_error.module
Retry and execute error


./services_client.module, line 74
Services client module allows to push different types of objects on different types of events such as node_save, user_save to remote masters.


function services_client_get_existing_hooks($hook_id = NULL) {
  if ($hook_id) {
    $hooks = ctools_export_crud_load('services_client_connection_hook', $hook_id);
  else {
    $hooks = ctools_export_crud_load_all('services_client_connection_hook');

  // Ctools variable - see our schema definition for this naming
  $hooks_disabled = variable_get('default_services_client_connection_hook', array());
  $conns_disabled = variable_get('default_services_client_connection', array());
  foreach ($hooks as $hook_name => $hook_info) {

    // if the hook is disabled, remove it from our active hooks
    if (!empty($hooks_disabled[$hook_name])) {

    // if the connection is disabled, remove it from our active hooks
    if (!empty($conns_disabled[$hook_info->conn_name])) {
  return $hooks;