function services_client_data_process in Services Client 7
This function takes inbound data objects and a type and determines if there are tasks for them. If there are, it checks conditions and then generates connections and organizes the data to pass to the calling functions
object $src_data: This is the source data object. Typically a $node or $user object
string $type: This is an identifier for the $src_data object. Options are: node_save, user_save
string $name: Optionally fire only specific hook.
10 calls to services_client_data_process()
- drush_services_client_sync_nodes in ./ - Sync all nodes to specific connection
- drush_services_client_sync_users in ./ - Sync all user references to insight
- services_ccc_node_send in services_ccc/
services_ccc.module - Get the remote connections listed in the node and send to them
- services_client_node_delete in ./
services_client.module - Implements hook_node_delete().
- services_client_node_insert in ./
services_client.module - Implements of hook_node_insert().
- ./
services_client.module, line 385 - Services client module allows to push different types of objects on different types of events such as node_save, user_save to remote masters.
function services_client_data_process($src_data, $type, $name = NULL) {
// If sync is not forced and some module is not allowing to sync data
// return from function
if (services_client_sync_exclude($src_data, services_client_get_data_type($type))) {
return TRUE;
// Module can process data in queue if data are comming from remote site. To
// determine remote data use _services_client property which is added by services_client
// module on remote origin site.
if (services_client_queue_data($src_data, $type)) {
// Allow other modules to introduce their own variables and allow them to
// alter the src_data object. An example would be to remove the visted array
// and move it to visited so we can get backwards compatibility or if we know
// that data will be altered and we do not want to stop the processing. Eg.
// remove a value from the visited array.
$data_type = services_client_get_data_type($type);
drupal_alter('services_client_data', $src_data, $data_type);
// If origin of data is current site and data are going to be sent to remote
// recipients add _services_client property to tell remote site that data
// are synced by services_client module.
$src_data->_services_client = isset($src_data->_services_client) ? $src_data->_services_client : array();
$src_data->_services_client['origin'] = services_client_get_id();
$src_data->_services_client['visted'] = isset($src_data->_services_client['visted']) ? $src_data->_services_client['visted'] : array();
// Don't send 'queued' control key to remote site, let it handle queueing by themselves
if (!in_array(services_client_get_id(), $src_data->_services_client['visted'])) {
$src_data->_services_client['visted'][] = services_client_get_id();
else {
watchdog('sc', "Possible loop in system. Type: @type, data: <pre>@data</pre>", array(
'@type' => $type,
'@data' => print_r($src_data, TRUE),
return FALSE;
// Declare some of the arrays we'll be using.
$tasks = array();
$conns = array();
$hooks = array();
$hooks_all = array();
// Get all enabled hooks
$hooks_all = services_client_get_existing_hooks();
// API call can limit firing only specific hook
if (!empty($name)) {
if (!empty($hooks_all[$name])) {
$hooks[] = array(
else {
foreach ($hooks_all as $hook) {
if (isset($hook->hook) && $hook->hook == $type) {
$hooks[] = $hook;
foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
$conds = $hook->config['condition']['config'];
$mappings = $hook->config['mapping']['config'];
// If the type is node_save, and there are conditions...
if (in_array($type, array(
)) && count($conds) > 0) {
if ($conds['published'] != 'e' && $conds['published'] != $src_data->status) {
if ($conds['node_type'] != $src_data->type) {
// Check if connection has been already visited
$connection = services_client_connection_load($hook->conn_name);
if (isset($connection->services_client_id) && in_array($connection->services_client_id, $src_data->_services_client['visted'])) {
watchdog('sc', 'Loop prevention. Not sending type: @type to connection @conn. data: <pre>@data</pre>', array(
'@type' => $type,
'@data' => print_r($src_data, TRUE),
'@conn' => $connection->name,
// Generate the tasks and conns
$tasks[$hook->conn_name][] = $hook;
// Store results in array
$results = array(
'success' => array(),
'errors' => array(),
if (count($tasks) > 0) {
foreach ($tasks as $hook_conn) {
foreach ($hook_conn as $task) {
$success = TRUE;
// Operation result.
$result = array(
'data' => $src_data,
'type' => services_client_get_data_type($type),
'hook' => $type,
'task' => $task,
'entity_type' => services_client_get_data_type($type),
'entity_id' => services_client_get_data_id($src_data, $type),
module_invoke_all('sc_process_data', $result['entity_type'], $src_data, $task);
try {
services_client_make_call($src_data, $type, $task);
} catch (ServicesClientConnectionResponseException $e) {
$success = FALSE;
$result += array(
'code' => $e
'message' => $e
// Store operation result for further processing.
$results[$success ? 'success' : 'errors'][] = $result;
if (count($results['errors'])) {
return $results;