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Functions in SEO Compliance Checker 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
basic_seo_rules_alt_attribute basic_seo_rules/basic_seo_rules.module Implements the alt attribute in <img>-tags check. 1
basic_seo_rules_register_seo_rules basic_seo_rules/basic_seo_rules.module Implementation of hook_register_seo_rules().
basic_seo_rules_title_attribute basic_seo_rules/basic_seo_rules.module Implements the title attribute in <a href>-tags check. 1
basic_seo_rules_uninstall basic_seo_rules/basic_seo_rules.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
keyword_rules_density keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module Dervies the densitiy of keywords within the body of the node. 1
keyword_rules_headings keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module 1
keyword_rules_install keyword_rules/keyword_rules.install Implementation of hook_install().
keyword_rules_menu keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module Implementation of hook_menu().
keyword_rules_register_seo_rules keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module Implementation of hook_register_seo_rules().
keyword_rules_requirements keyword_rules/keyword_rules.install
keyword_rules_settings keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module Defines the settings form. 1
keyword_rules_title keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module Checks if keywords are used in the node title. If they are used, the resulting score depends on how early the keywords occur in the title. If a keyword is used as the first word in the title, the score will be 100%. 1
keyword_rules_uninstall keyword_rules/keyword_rules.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
seo_checker_elements inc/ Defines the slider form element and its default values
seo_checker_form_alter ./seo_checker.module Implementation of hook_form_alter(). Add check results to the form if it has been submitted.
seo_checker_form_node_type_form_alter ./seo_checker.module The SEO Checker has to be enabled per content type
seo_checker_get_rule_threshold ./seo_checker.module Get the threshold of a rule. Pass the rule array and the ID. 2
seo_checker_install ./seo_checker.install Implementation of hook_install().
seo_checker_menu ./seo_checker.module Implementation of hook_menu().
seo_checker_node_form_validate ./seo_checker.module 1
seo_checker_perform_checks ./seo_checker.module This is the main seo checker function. It checks the submitted node by applying all the rules and includes the summary to the node form. 1
seo_checker_perm inc/ Implementation of hook_perm().
seo_checker_preprocess_seo_slider inc/ Implementation of template_preprocess().
seo_checker_requirements ./seo_checker.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
seo_checker_settings inc/ Builds the settings form for the SEO checker using system_settings_form() 1
seo_checker_submodule_uninstall ./seo_checker.install This function should be called by modules that implement SEO rules when they are uninstalled. It cleans up their variables. 2
seo_checker_theme inc/ Implementation of hook_theme().
seo_checker_uninstall ./seo_checker.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
seo_checker_update_6100 ./seo_checker.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
seo_checker_wordipos ./seo_checker.module Find position of first occurrence of a case-insensitive WORD 3
theme_seo_check_results inc/ By default the check results are themed as a normal form item whose value contains the check results, rendered as a table.
_keyword_rules_extract_tags keyword_rules/keyword_rules.module Helper function to extract keywords from the submitted form values. 3
_seo_checker_load_slider inc/ The slider requires some java scripts and css to be loaded 1

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