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seo_checker.install in SEO Compliance Checker 6.2

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  1. 6 seo_checker.install

Installer for the SEO Compliance Checker


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 * @file
 * Installer for the SEO Compliance Checker

 * Implementation of hook_requirements().
 * @param string $phase
function seo_checker_requirements($phase) {
  $t = get_t();
  $requirements = array();
  if ($phase == 'runtime') {
    $ok = false;
    foreach (node_get_types('names') as $type => $name) {
      $ok |= variable_get('seo_checker_' . $type, 0);
    if (!$ok) {
      $requirements['content_types']['title'] = $t('SEO Compliance Checker');
      $requirements['content_types']['value'] = $t('No Content Types Enabled');
      $requirements['content_types']['description'] = $t("In order for the SEO Compliance Checker to work you have to enable it for at least one content type.");
      $requirements['content_types']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
  return $requirements;

 * Implementation of hook_install().
function seo_checker_install() {

 * Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function seo_checker_uninstall() {

  /* delete variables for types */
  $types = node_get_types();
  foreach ($types as $type) {
    variable_del('seo_checker_' . $type->type);

 * This function should be called by modules that implement SEO rules
 * when they are uninstalled. It cleans up their variables.
 * @param string $module
 *   The name of the submodule.
function seo_checker_submodule_uninstall($modulename) {

  /* delete variables holding thresholds */
  $rules = module_invoke($modulename, 'register_seo_rules');
  foreach ($rules as $rid => $rule) {
    variable_del('seo_threshold_' . $rid);

 * Implementation of hook_update_N().
function seo_checker_update_6100() {
  $allow_failures = variable_get('seo_checker_allow_failures', 1);
  if ($allow_failures == 0) {
    variable_set('seo_checker_allow_failures', 'no-failures');
  elseif ($allow_failures == 1) {
    variable_set('seo_checker_allow_failures', 'show-preview-only');
  return array();


Namesort descending Description
seo_checker_install Implementation of hook_install().
seo_checker_requirements Implementation of hook_requirements().
seo_checker_submodule_uninstall This function should be called by modules that implement SEO rules when they are uninstalled. It cleans up their variables.
seo_checker_uninstall Implementation of hook_uninstall().
seo_checker_update_6100 Implementation of hook_update_N().