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function hook_sbp_query_modify in Search by Page 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 search_by_page.api.php \hook_sbp_query_modify()

Add conditions to the search query (required sub-module hook).

This hook allows a module to add conditions (usually related to access permissions) to the query that finds the search results. These will be passed into do_search(), to limit the search results.

Return value

Array with components:

  • 'join': Join expression to add to the search query, using "sp.modid" as the ID column to join on (i.e. the ID your module returned in hook_sbp_paths()). All joins should be LEFT JOIN, because other modules will also have independent joins to do.
  • 'where': Where clause to add to the query, for rows where the join applies.
  • 'arguments': Array of arguments to be substituted in for %d, %s, etc. in the where clause.
4 functions implement hook_sbp_query_modify()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

sbp_attach_sbp_query_modify in ./sbp_attach.module
Implementation of Search by Page hook_sbp_query_modify().
sbp_nodes_sbp_query_modify in ./sbp_nodes.module
Implementation of Search by Page hook_sbp_query_modify().
sbp_paths_sbp_query_modify in ./sbp_paths.module
Implementation of Search by Page hook_sbp_query_modify().
sbp_users_sbp_query_modify in ./sbp_users.module
Implementation of Search by Page hook_sbp_query_modify().
1 invocation of hook_sbp_query_modify()
_search_by_page_do_search in ./search_by_page.module
Internal function: performs a search, for hook_search($op = 'search').


./search_by_page.api.php, line 158
Search by Page module API.


function hook_sbp_query_modify($environment) {

  // This example gives access to every path defined by this module.
  return array(
    'join' => '',
    'where' => 1,
    'arguments' => array(),