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Search by Page module API.

The Search by Page module allows you to define sub-modules that tell Search by Page what pages to add to the search index. You supply a Drupal path to the page you want to index. The Search by Page module builds the page during Search indexing, and adds page content to the core Drupal Search index.

There are several hooks a sub-module can implement:

There are also some helper functions defined in search_by_page.module that may be useful for defining your sub-module. These are:

There is also a hook for a stemming or search preprocess module to implement for better search excerpts:


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 * @file
 * Search by Page module API.
 * The Search by Page module allows you to define sub-modules that
 * tell Search by Page what pages to add to the search index. You
 * supply a Drupal path to the page you want to index. The Search by
 * Page module builds the page during Search indexing, and adds page
 * content to the core Drupal Search index.
 * There are several hooks a sub-module can implement:
 * - hook_sbp_paths() (required)
 * - hook_sbp_details() (required)
 * - hook_sbp_query_modify() (required)
 * - hook_sbp_settings() (optional)
 * - hook_sbp_delete_environment() (optional)
 * There are also some helper functions defined in search_by_page.module that
 * may be useful for defining your sub-module. These are:
 * - search_by_page_force_reindex()
 * - search_by_page_force_remove()
 * - search_by_page_rebuild_paths()
 * - search_by_page_path_parts()
 * - search_by_page_unique_rewrite()
 * - search_by_page_excerpt()
 * - search_by_page_setting_get()
 * - search_by_page_setting_set()
 * - search_by_page_path_field_prefix()
 * - search_by_page_strip_tags()
 * There is also a hook for a stemming or search preprocess module to
 * implement for better search excerpts:
 * - hook_sbp_excerpt_match().
 * @ingroup search_by_page

 * Return a list of pages to be indexed (required sub-module hook).
 * This hook is invoked whenever Search is building/adding to its
 * index (usually during a cron run).
 * @param $environment
 *   ID of environment currently being indexed.
 * @return
 *   Associative array of path items. The array keys are the paths to be
 *   indexed. Each value is an array, with the following components:
 *   - 'id': ID number (unsigned integer) for module to reference this
 *     path. This is passed into the module's hook_sbp_details()
 *     implementation when Search by Pages needs information about the page.
 *   - 'languages': Language codes to use to index this path. The
 *     page will be rendered in each language during the indexing process, and
 *     indexed separately for each language. Do not include the language prefix
 *     in the path. Must include at least one language.
 *   - 'role': ID of role to use when indexing this path. The page will be
 *     rendered as if being viewed by a user with this role's permissions (or
 *     not indexed at all if that role cannot view the page), and all visible
 *     text will be indexed and available for searching. Permissions will still
 *     be checked when displaying search results, however.
 *   - 'min_time' (default 1): Minimum time to wait to reindex this item,
 *     in seconds. Search by Page cycles through and reindexes items, because
 *     they are rendered through the theme, and it is assumed that rendering may
 *     depend on other content that can change. Each cron run, it first indexes
 *     any items that are new or have been marked as needing reindexing. Then
 *     it reindexes the oldest other items in its index, up to the cron throttle
 *     limit. However, no item will be reindexed before this minimum index time
 *     has been exceeded. Set to 0 for items that should only be indexed once
 *     and never reindexed unless search_by_page_force_reindex() is called.
 *   - 'max_time' (default 0): Maximum time to wait to reindex this item,
 *     in seconds. This effectively marks the item as needing immediate
 *     reindexing after this much time has passed. Set to 0 for items that do
 *     not need this to happen. See 'min_time' entry above for more details on
 *     reindexing.
 * @see hook_sbp_details()
function hook_sbp_paths($environment) {
  return array(
    'my/drupal/path' => array(
      'id' => 1234,
      'languages' => array(
      'role' => DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID,

 * Return details about an indexed path (required sub-module hook).
 * This hook is invoked after a search, to get full information about
 * what to display.
 * This hook is also invoked during search indexing to get the page title
 * which is added to the indexed text. In this case, $keys will be null, and
 * the module can also return rendered content to be indexed, if desired.
 * @param $id
 *    The ID corresponding to the path. This is the ID number you
 *    returned in hook_sbp_paths(), for this path.
 * @param $environment
 *   ID of environment currently being indexed or searched.
 * @param $keys
 *    The keywords being searched for (useful in extracting a snippet). NULL
 *    indicates this call is for search indexing.
 * @return
 *    - If for some reason this path should not be displayed or indexed,
 *      return NULL or zero.
 *    - If $keys is null, return an associative array for search
 *      indexing, with component 'title' (the page title) and optional
 *      component 'content' (an override of the page content, to avoid
 *      standard Drupal rendering).
 *    - If keywords are not null, return an associative array of fields
 *      suitable for display on search results screen for this path. See
 *      the Drupal documentation for hook_search() for a list of what
 *      the fields are. The 'title' component must be given.  The 'link'
 *      component should be omitted (it is handled by the main
 *      search_by_page module).  The search_by_page_excerpt() function may be
 *      useful in extracting a 'snippet'.
 * @see hook_sbp_paths()
function hook_sbp_details($id, $environment, $keys = NULL) {
  $node = my_module_get_node($id);
  return array(
    'type' => check_plain(node_get_types('name', $node)),
    'title' => search_by_page_strip_tags($node->title, $environment),
    'user' => theme('username', $node),
    'date' => $node->changed,
    'extra' => $node->extra,
    'snippet' => search_by_page_excerpt($keys, search_by_page_strip_tags($node->body, $environment)),

 * Add conditions to the search query (required sub-module hook).
 * This hook allows a module to add conditions (usually related to
 * access permissions) to the query that finds the search
 * results. These will be passed into do_search(), to limit the search
 * results.
 * @return
 *   Array with components:
 *   - 'join': Join expression to add to the search query, using "sp.modid"
 *     as the ID column to join on (i.e. the ID your module returned in
 *     hook_sbp_paths()). All joins should be LEFT JOIN, because other
 *     modules will also have independent joins to do.
 *   - 'where': Where clause to add to the query, for rows where the join
 *     applies.
 *   - 'arguments': Array of arguments to be substituted in for %d, %s, etc.
 *     in the where clause.
function hook_sbp_query_modify($environment) {

  // This example gives access to every path defined by this module.
  return array(
    'join' => '',
    'where' => 1,
    'arguments' => array(),

 * Add settings to the Search by Page settings screen (sub-module hook).
 * The returned form array is displayed as a component of the page at URL
 * admin/settings/search_by_page/%env, and the settings are automatically saved
 * using the form element names and the search_by_page_setting_set() function.
 * If your module has no settings, you need not implement this
 * hook. If your module has many settings, you can also define your own
 * settings page with path 'admin/settings/search_by_page/whatever' of
 * type MENU_LOCAL_TASK, to add a tab to the settings page. You can use
 * the function search_by_page_setting_get() to retrieve the setting.
 * Note that the database of paths is updated after the settings are
 * submitted, so you do not need to do anything special to make this happen
 * if you use this hook. If you use your own settings page, you may want
 * to make use of these three functions:
 *   search_by_page_force_reindex()
 *   search_by_page_force_remove()
 *   search_by_page_rebuild_paths()
 * @param $environment
 *   ID of environment for settings.
 * @return
 *   Form API array that defines one or more fieldsets to add to the
 *   Search by Page settings screen at admin/settings/search_by_page/%env.
 *   If you want to use weights for your fieldsets, choose numbers between
 *   -98 and -1.
function hook_sbp_settings($environment) {
  $form = array();

  // add your settings form components here
  return $form;

 * Respond to search environment deletion.
 * Implement this hook if your sub-module needs to respond to the deletion
 * of a Search by Page search environment. You do not need to clear settings
 * saved with search_by_page_setting_set() or defined in hook_sbp_settings(),
 * as the main module will take care of this.
 * @param $environment
 *   ID of environment being deleted.
function hook_sbp_delete_environment($environment) {

  // Delete entries in my module's table, etc.

 * Find derived forms of keywords for search excerpt (preprocess module hook).
 * This hook is invoked by search_by_page_excerpt() to allow stemming
 * and other search preprocessing modules to find derived forms of
 * keywords to highlight, when creating a "snippet" for search results
 * display, if the given keyword is not found directly in the text.
 * @param $key
 *    The keyword to find.
 * @param $text
 *    The text to search for the keyword.
 * @param $offset
 *    Offset position in $text to start searching at.
 * @param $boundary
 *    Text to include in a regular expression that will match a word boundary.
 * @return
 *    FALSE if no match is found. If a match is found, return an associative
 *    array with element 'where' giving the position of the match, and
 *    element 'keyword' giving the actual word found in the text at that
 *    position.
function hook_sbp_excerpt_match($key, $text, $offset, $boundary) {

  // Find the root form of the keyword -- in this simple example,
  // all but the last 3 characters.
  $key = drupal_substr($key, 0, -3);
  if (drupal_strlen($key) < 3) {
    return FALSE;

  // Look for this modified key at the start of a word.
  $match = array();
  if (!preg_match('/' . $boundary . $key . '/iu', $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {

    // didn't match our modified key.
    return FALSE;

  // If we get here, we have a match. Find the end of the word we
  // actually matched, so it can be highlighted.
  $pos = $match[0][1];
  if (preg_match('/' . $boundary . '/iu', $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos + drupal_strlen($key))) {
    $keyfound = drupal_substr($text, $pos, $match[0][1] - $pos);
  return array(
    'where' => $pos,
    'keyword' => $keyfound,

Related topics


Namesort descending Description
hook_sbp_delete_environment Respond to search environment deletion.
hook_sbp_details Return details about an indexed path (required sub-module hook).
hook_sbp_excerpt_match Find derived forms of keywords for search excerpt (preprocess module hook).
hook_sbp_paths Return a list of pages to be indexed (required sub-module hook).
hook_sbp_query_modify Add conditions to the search query (required sub-module hook).
hook_sbp_settings Add settings to the Search by Page settings screen (sub-module hook).