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search_api_solr.module in Search API Solr 7

Provides a Solr-based service class for the Search API.


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 * @file
 * Provides a Solr-based service class for the Search API.

 * Implements hook_menu().
function search_api_solr_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/search/search_api/server/%search_api_server/files'] = array(
    'title' => 'Files',
    'description' => 'View Solr configuration files.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'search_api_solr_access_server_files',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => -1,
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_search_api_service_info().
function search_api_solr_search_api_service_info() {
  $variables = array(
    '@solr_wiki_url' => url(''),
    '@readme_url' => file_create_url(drupal_get_path('module', 'search_api_solr') . '/README.txt'),
  $services['search_api_solr_service'] = array(
    'name' => t('Solr service'),
    'description' => t('<p>Index items using an Apache Solr search server.</p>
  <li>See <a href="@solr_wiki_url">the Solr wiki</a> for information about the "direct" parse mode.</li>
  <li>Will use internal Solr preprocessors, so Search API preprocessors should for the most part be deactivated.</li>
  <li>See the <a href="@readme_url">README.txt</a> file provided with this module for details.</li>
</ul>', $variables),
    'class' => 'SearchApiSolrService',
  return $services;

 * Implements hook_help().
function search_api_solr_help($path, array $arg = array()) {
  if ($path == 'admin/config/search/search_api') {

    // Included because we need the REQUIREMENT_* constants.
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
    module_load_include('install', 'search_api_solr');
    $reqs = search_api_solr_requirements('runtime');
    foreach ($reqs as $req) {
      if (isset($req['description'])) {
        $type = $req['severity'] == REQUIREMENT_ERROR ? 'error' : ($req['severity'] == REQUIREMENT_WARNING ? 'warning' : 'status');
        drupal_set_message($req['description'], $type);

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * Used to execute an optimization operation on all enabled Solr servers once a
 * day.
function search_api_solr_cron() {
  $action = variable_get('search_api_solr_cron_action', 'spellcheck');

  // We treat all unknown action settings as "none". However, we turn a blind
  // eye for Britons and other people who can spell.
  if (!in_array($action, array(
  ))) {

  // 86400 seconds is one day. We use slightly less here to allow for some
  // variation in the request time of the cron run, so that the time of day will
  // (more or less) stay the same.
  if (REQUEST_TIME - variable_get('search_api_solr_last_optimize', 0) > 86340) {
    variable_set('search_api_solr_last_optimize', REQUEST_TIME);
    $conditions = array(
      'class' => 'search_api_solr_service',
      'enabled' => TRUE,
    $count = 0;
    foreach (search_api_server_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions) as $server) {
      try {
        $solr = $server
        if ($action != 'spellcheck') {
        else {
          $params['rows'] = 0;
          $params['spellcheck'] = 'true';
          $params[''] = 'true';
            ->search(NULL, $params);
      } catch (SearchApiException $e) {
        watchdog_exception('search_api_solr', $e, '%type while optimizing Solr server @server: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', array(
          '@server' => $server->name,
    if ($count) {
      $vars['@count'] = $count;
      if ($action != 'spellcheck') {
        watchdog('search_api_solr', 'Optimized @count Solr server(s).', $vars, WATCHDOG_INFO);
      else {
        watchdog('search_api_solr', 'Rebuilt spellcheck dictionary on @count Solr server(s).', $vars, WATCHDOG_INFO);

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function search_api_solr_flush_caches() {
  return array(

 * Implements hook_search_api_server_update().
function search_api_solr_search_api_server_update(SearchApiServer $server) {
  if ($server->class === 'search_api_solr_service') {

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function search_api_solr_views_api() {
  if (module_exists('search_api_views')) {
    return array(
      'api' => 3,

 * Retrieves Solr-specific data for available data types.
 * Returns the data type information for both the default Search API data types
 * and custom data types defined by hook_search_api_data_type_info(). Names for
 * default data types are not included, since they are not relevant to the Solr
 * service class.
 * We're adding some extra Solr field information for the default search api
 * data types (as well as on behalf of a couple contrib field types). The
 * extra information we're adding is documented in
 * search_api_solr_hook_search_api_data_type_info(). You can use the same
 * additional keys in hook_search_api_data_type_info() to support custom
 * dynamic fields in your indexes with Solr.
 * @param string|null $type
 *   (optional) A specific type for which the information should be returned.
 *   Defaults to returning all information.
 * @return array|null
 *   If $type was given, information about that type or NULL if it is unknown.
 *   Otherwise, an array of all types. The format in both cases is the same as
 *   for search_api_get_data_type_info().
 * @see search_api_get_data_type_info()
 * @see search_api_solr_hook_search_api_data_type_info()
function search_api_solr_get_data_type_info($type = NULL) {
  $types =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($types)) {

    // Grab the stock search_api data types.
    $types = search_api_get_data_type_info();

    // Add our extras for the default search api fields.
    $types += array(
      'text' => array(
        'prefix' => 'tm',
        'always multiValued' => TRUE,
      'string' => array(
        'prefix' => 's',
      'integer' => array(
        'prefix' => 'i',
      'decimal' => array(
        'prefix' => 'f',
      'date' => array(
        'prefix' => 'd',
      'duration' => array(
        'prefix' => 'i',
      'boolean' => array(
        'prefix' => 'b',
      'uri' => array(
        'prefix' => 's',
      'tokens' => array(
        'prefix' => 'tm',
        'always multiValued' => TRUE,

    // Extra data type info.
    $extra_types_info = array(
      'location' => array(
        'prefix' => 'loc',
      'geohash' => array(
        'prefix' => 'geo',

    // For the extra types, only add our extra info if it's already been defined.
    foreach ($extra_types_info as $key => $info) {
      if (array_key_exists($key, $types)) {

        // Merge our extras into the data type info
        $types[$key] += $info;

  // Return the info.
  if (isset($type)) {
    return isset($types[$type]) ? $types[$type] : NULL;
  return $types;

 * Returns a unique hash for the current site.
 * This is used to identify Solr documents from different sites within a single
 * Solr server.
 * @return string
 *   A unique site hash, containing only alphanumeric characters.
function search_api_solr_site_hash() {

  // Copied from apachesolr_site_hash().
  if (!($hash = variable_get('search_api_solr_site_hash', FALSE))) {
    global $base_url;
    $hash = substr(base_convert(sha1(uniqid($base_url, TRUE)), 16, 36), 0, 6);
    variable_set('search_api_solr_site_hash', $hash);
  return $hash;

 * Retrieves a list of all config files of a server.
 * @param SearchApiServer $server
 *   The Solr server whose files should be retrieved.
 * @param string $dir_name
 *   (optional) The directory that should be searched for files. Defaults to the
 *   root config directory.
 * @return array
 *   An associative array of all config files in the given directory. The keys
 *   are the file names, values are arrays with information about the file. The
 *   files are returned in alphabetical order and breadth-first.
 * @throws SearchApiException
 *   If a problem occurred while retrieving the files.
function search_api_solr_server_get_files(SearchApiServer $server, $dir_name = NULL) {
  $response = $server

  // Search for directories and recursively merge directory files.
  $files_data = json_decode($response->data, TRUE);
  $files_list = $files_data['files'];
  $dir_length = strlen($dir_name) + 1;
  $result = array(
    '' => array(),
  foreach ($files_list as $file_name => $file_info) {

    // Annoyingly, Solr 4.7 changed the way the admin/file handler returns
    // the file names when listing directory contents: the returned name is now
    // only the base name, not the complete path from the config root directory.
    // We therefore have to check for this case.
    if ($dir_name && substr($file_name, 0, $dir_length) !== "{$dir_name}/") {
      $file_name = "{$dir_name}/" . $file_name;
    if (empty($file_info['directory'])) {
      $result[''][$file_name] = $file_info;
    else {
      $result[$file_name] = search_api_solr_server_get_files($server, $file_name);
  return array_reduce($result, 'array_merge', array());

 * @deprecated
 * @see search_api_solr_access_server_files()
function search_api_access_server_files(SearchApiServer $server) {
  return search_api_solr_access_server_files($server);

 * Access callback for a server's "Files" tab.
 * Grants access if the user has the "administer search_api" permission and the
 * server is a Solr server.
 * @param SearchApiServer $server
 *   The server for which access should be tested.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if access should be granted, FALSE otherwise.
function search_api_solr_access_server_files(SearchApiServer $server) {
  if (!user_access('administer search_api')) {
    return FALSE;
  $service_info = search_api_get_service_info($server->class);
  $service_class = $service_info['class'];
  if (empty($service_class) || !class_exists($service_class)) {

    // Service class not found.
    return FALSE;
  if ($service_class == 'SearchApiSolrService' || in_array('SearchApiSolrService', class_parents($service_class))) {

    // It's an SearchApiSolrService based connection class.
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Switches a server to use clean identifiers.
 * Used as a submit callback in SearchApiSolrService::configurationForm().
function _search_api_solr_switch_to_clean_ids(array $form, array &$form_state) {
  $server = $form_state['server'];
  $server->options['clean_ids'] = TRUE;
  drupal_set_message(t('The Solr server was successfully switched to use clean field identifiers.'));
  $count = 0;
  $conditions['server'] = $server->machine_name;
  $conditions['enabled'] = 1;
  foreach (search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions) as $index) {
    if (!empty($index->options['fields'])) {
      foreach ($index->options['fields'] as $key => $field) {
        if (strpos($key, ':') !== FALSE) {
  if ($count) {
    $msg = format_plural($count, '1 index was scheduled for re-indexing.', '@count indexes were scheduled for re-indexing.');

 * Switches a server to multi-site compatibility mode.
 * Used as a submit callback in SearchApiSolrService::configurationForm().
function _search_api_solr_switch_to_site_hash(array $form, array &$form_state) {
  $server = $form_state['server'];
  try {
    $conditions['server'] = $server->machine_name;
    $indexes = search_api_index_load_multiple(FALSE, $conditions);
    if ($indexes) {
      foreach ($indexes as $index) {
      $msg = format_plural(count($indexes), '1 index was cleared.', '@count indexes were cleared.');
        ->deleteItems('index_id:(' . implode(' ', array_keys($indexes)) . ')');
  } catch (SearchApiException $e) {
    $variables = array(
      '@server' => $server->name,
    watchdog_exception('search_api_solr', $e, '%type while attempting to enable multi-site compatibility mode for Solr server @server: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $variables);
    drupal_set_message(t('An error occured while attempting to enable multi-site compatibility mode for Solr server @server. Check the logs for details.', $variables), 'error');
  $server->options['site_hash'] = TRUE;
  drupal_set_message(t('The Solr server was successfully switched to multi-site compatibility mode.'));


Namesort descending Description
search_api_solr_access_server_files Access callback for a server's "Files" tab.
search_api_solr_cron Implements hook_cron().
search_api_solr_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
search_api_solr_get_data_type_info Retrieves Solr-specific data for available data types.
search_api_solr_help Implements hook_help().
search_api_solr_menu Implements hook_menu().
search_api_solr_search_api_server_update Implements hook_search_api_server_update().
search_api_solr_search_api_service_info Implements hook_search_api_service_info().
search_api_solr_server_get_files Retrieves a list of all config files of a server.
search_api_solr_site_hash Returns a unique hash for the current site.
search_api_solr_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
_search_api_solr_switch_to_clean_ids Switches a server to use clean identifiers.
_search_api_solr_switch_to_site_hash Switches a server to multi-site compatibility mode.