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function search_api_solr_update_7101 in Search API Solr 7

Implements transition from using the index IDs to using machine names.


./search_api_solr.install, line 85


function search_api_solr_update_7101() {
  foreach (search_api_server_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
    'class' => 'search_api_solr_service',
  )) as $server) {
    if ($server->enabled) {
    else {
      $tasks = variable_get('search_api_tasks', array());
      $tasks[$server->machine_name][''] = array(
        'clear all',
      variable_set('search_api_tasks', $tasks);
    $query = db_select('search_api_index', 'i')
      ->fields('i', array(
      ->condition('server', $server->machine_name);
      'changed' => REQUEST_TIME,
      ->condition('index_id', $query, 'IN')
  return t('The Solr search module was updated. ' . 'Please stop your Solr servers, replace their schema.xml with the new version and then start them again. ' . 'All data indexed on Solr servers will have to be reindexed.');